Chapter 5 - Hidden Frost Giant

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She looked at the prince's harden face. His pale skin showed the definition of his face. Immediately the whole hearted woman felt pricks of guilt. "Let's read another one." She quickly said, uncomfortable with the tension between the two. Even though Loki was silent, his aggression was clear

   "Once there was a young maiden who perceived the world to be dark and dreary. She was beautiful to the appearance yet ugly to the mind. While walking through the village she spotted a young maiden. "Hello my pretty." She said to the young girl. The girl was shy and did not reply. The older woman grabbed the young girl. She pulled her all the way to her home, yet the girl still said nothing. The woman held her there for years as her prisoner. One evening, the young girl smashed a glass   ornament. Her actions caused the wretched woman to become very angry. She struck out at the young girl, yet the girl still said nothing. This caused her to become very frustrated, she once again struck out at the young maiden. She continued to beat the girl until she was near unconsciousness. The young let a cold breath in and the next time she struck the girl, she was frozen to death."

Sapphron bit her lip once finished reading. She looked at Loki with meaningful eyes. His green eyes glowed back at her. "It sounds to me the Midgardians are writing about frost giants." His voice was stern but less laced with toxins. "Or perhaps there were some frost giants disguised on Midgard?" Sapphron added lightly, pursing her lips. Loki thought for a moment. "Would not surprise me they are just as wretched as the mortals." Loki's venomous tone returning. "Are you finished now?" The prince asked with aggression. "You don't have to be so rude all the time." Sapphron's voice was soft and saddened. She pouted at him slightly. Loki could not help but feel guilty. This causing his anger to rise for feeling such emotions. Loki said nothing, just started deep into her eyes.

"Loki," Sapphron let every guard down she had for a moment. She realized she could not gain his trust with out trusting him. He said nothing just continued starring. "I have a terrible idea." Sapphron's plan was near suicidal, yet that had not bothered her. She had accepted death will come and if it comes at the hands of the God of Mischief then so be it. She stood up suddenly and ran off down the darken hall way. Loki looked after for her, he was deeply concerned by her actions. The girl was clearly powerful and as confident Loki was, a part of him feared her. He knew she was able to creep into his thoughts, yet he also knew that she had not done it since the first time he met. He could feel her when she had entered his mind. It made the prince relive all of those hurtful memories. She brought him pain and for that he resented her and yet, in a mysterious way to him, she brought him a sense of comfort.

Sapphron ran back through the dungeon and out to broad daylight. The contrast between the dark gloomy prison and beautiful Asgardian sky was grave. Sapphron slowed her pace as she walked within the palace doors. Servants and noblemen smiled warmly as she passed by. "Sapphron!" A deep voice boomed. Through the most of people, she was able to see Thor. He was among a large, red bearded man, a blonde man, an Asian man with long raven hair and a beautiful woman with a strong composure. Thor gestured Sapphron to come over. She obeyed and gently creeped over, weaving her way through the crown. "Good day Lady Sapphron." Thor greeted her with a grin. "Good day to you too prince Thor." The silver haired girl replied calmly. "This is Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun and Lady Sif." Thor introduces his warrior friends. "Pleasure to meet you all." The petit girl replied, flashing a warm smile. "What brings you here my lady." The one called Fandral purred with a smirk. "I'm a healer." Sapphron answered proudly. "Ah, you must be helping with the war effort." Lady Sif added with her strong voice. "Indeed I am." Sapphron lied confidently. She anxiously worried about her plan and decided she mustn't wait any longer. "I'd love to stay but I have business to attend to. Thor I actually really need to see your mother, the Queen. Could you please show me to her?" Sapphron was nervous about asking him such a favour, but to her surprise a large smile grew on his face. "Of course my lady." Thor gestured to his friends before linking arms with the girl. They walked down the halls of castle in silence.

"My mother has informed me of why you are actually here, Lady Sapphron." Thor broke the silence with a hushed whisper. Sapphron felt a tug of embarrassment. "How is he?" Thor's eyes showed genuine worry. It was easy to tell the God of Thunder missed his brother. "He is angry, but I see moments of softness." She smiled at the God with reassuring eyes. "And how are you fairing?" Thor asked her, raising his blonde eyebrows at her. "I am fine, I really am. He is tough, but I think I can do it, I really do have faith." Thor's smile grew wider. "It is so nice to see someone else having faith in my brother, thank you." Sapphron could tell Thor's words were genuine and coming from the heart. Thor's love for his brother was radiating off of him regardless of the two's stubborn nature. Sapphron mentally was noting their relationship, as it would help her get through to Loki. Her goal was to know everything she can about Loki, so that she can then find a way to get through to him. I have this crazy idea." She admitted abruptly.

"I want to go in the cell with him."


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