Chapter 12 - Paper Thin

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Sapphron using her magic, sent a painful sharpened pain to Hugo's brain, stopping him in his tracks. Loki watched as the beautiful girl before him     turn to a familiar darkness. He bit his lip with a smirk as he watched her force the rude man to suffer. He admired her deeply in this moment. Loki looked up to Sapphron's eyes noticing the were solid white, almost glowing.  "Fascinating." The God of Mischief commented with a light laugh. Almost as if he had snapped her out of a daze, Sapphron ended the mans blinding pain. She reconnected arms with Loki and nearly dragged him away. She hurried him along leaving the rotten man long behind. Loki could tell Sapphron was raging internally. "Maybe we could have some more fun—"
"Loki." Sapphron gave the trickster a stern glare. After minutes of silent walking, the pair reached the kitchen. As usual, Lucien was cooking and frying away. Sapphron wondered if he did anything other than cook food. At first Lucien did not notice the familiar girl and the fallen prince. "Hello Lucien." Sapphron greeted the friendly man. Lucien, while heating some sort of meat, locked eyes with Sapphron's crystals. His gaze, after a short while, locked into Loki, the infamous fallen prince. Lucien was internally shocked but tried his best to keep his professionalism. "Two dinners please, to go." The words made the chef cringe.  The man was extremely uncomfortable with not only the God of Mischief in the room, but also the fact that he was touching comfortably Sapphron. He looked at Sapphron worriedly, suspecting she may be in some kind of danger. When Lucien studied the silver haired girl, he came to see she was beaming with joy. Lucien looked back at the prince to see that he was glaring at him. Nervously Lucien asked "Is steak okay my lady?" Sapphron looked to Loki who was still glaring at the chef. To get his attention, Sapphron tugged on his muscular arm. Loki's deep gaze quickly jumped upon Sapphron. In response, Loki nodded, then looked away, off into the distance. "Yes that will be perfect thank you." She smiled cheerfully. "Just need a bit of time." He added, beginning to prepare the meal as he spoke. "Of course, we will return in moments time." Sapphron replied, then pulled Loki to the door. Loki gave Lucien one last glare before being pulled out the door.

     "Come on Loki!" Sapphron pulled the prince cheerfully. Loki looked at her questioningly as she led him through the palace halls. She finally stopped at what he recognized as the library. Loki loved to spend time in the library, reading all about the galaxy. Here Loki and Thor differed. Thor was never really fond of reading whereas Loki found solitude and peace in literature. Loki smiled in content, breathing in the familiar smell of books. "Is it not wonderful just to be in here with all these books?" Sapphron breathed in, closing her ocean like eyes happily. Loki nodded to her in agreement as he led her deep into the shelves of the books. Loki trailed his hand down the familiar spines of the novels. He stopped at a burgundy colored book and pulled it out slowly. As his hand glided over the cover, a green light shinning bright. The burgundy colored book disappeared to reveal a much older looking, brown crafted book. Sapphron recognized it easily to be a spell book. Loki's book before her, reminded the girl of her own family spell book. She suddenly felt very worried having it in the hands of her parents as she lost all trust from them. As if Loki noticed her weary eyes, he touched her hand lightly. The small yet intimate gesture made Sapphron grow a delicate smile. "Loki, I do not trust my parents. Sapphron admitted, frowning at the ground. "They have this ancient book, a spell book, I have been told it is very powerful. I am just not feeling the greatest about them having possession of it. I know they are my parents and I should give them a chance to explain themselves, but I just have this nagging part of me that thinks their intentions are malice. Why would my father disguise himself? What is the purpose?" Sapphron felt puzzled at the deep thought that arisen. She looked to Loki questioningly as if he would have the unknown answer to her question. Loki sadly smiled at the girl, uncertain of what to say to the silver haired girl before him. "Perhaps he wanted to live a normal life, not being seen as a monster you tell your kids to fear at night." Bitterness Coated the God's tone once more. "Yeah maybe you are right." Sapphron sighed, knowing well she did not agree with his suggestion. "Or maybe," she began to add. "Maybe he is a traitor." Sapphron whispered the words as if uttering them were treachery in itself. "Perhaps." Loki agreed, mutually feeling the uneasiness of the subject.

"Our dinner must be ready, let us gather it shall we?" Sapphron suggested, offering her hand out for Loki to take. He obeyed as she led him out the beautifully filled library and out to the halls. There was much less traffic than earlier correlating to the decrease in glares the couple received. After a few short moments of walking, the two reappeared at the kitchen doors. Once Loki and Sapphron travelled through the two wooden doors, the saw two containers of what they perceived to be their dinner. Sapphron looked around expecting to see Lucien, but he was no where to be found. Sapphron waved her hand over at a small servant girl. The frail girl scurried quickly over to the white haired woman.

"Have you seen Lucien?" Sapphron innocently asked her. The servant girl quickly and nervously replied. "He went home madam." Sapphron nodded to the girl, noting to herself about Lucien's strange behaviour.

Loki picked up his container as well as hers, and pulled the small girl away from the kitchen almost forcefully.

"Come now Sapphron."


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