Chapter 15 - The Truth In Itself

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Loki pulled Sapphron quickly through the halls, almost as if he was running from his brother and friends

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Loki pulled Sapphron quickly through the halls, almost as if he was running from his brother and friends. Sapphron had no trouble to keep up with his rapid strides. Sapphron looked up at the prince in admiration. She breathed in his lavender scent with content.

Just as the two were about to turn the corner, Loki harshly grabbed Sapphron and pulled her into the closest room possible. The room turned out to be a tiny four walked closet, containing only a single sword and golden guard helmet.

Before Sapphron could question his actions, Loki's cold hand pressed firmly against her mouth. Sapphron's eyes widened in shock. Loki motioned her to look through the small cracks between the wooden panel.

Through the small visible hole, Sapphron was able to see something that made her stomach drop to her feet.

Her father and her mother, in chains.

Sapphron gasped and looked to Loki, tears emerging in her eyes. Loki senses the pain radiating off the girl and held her tightly. "Shh." He soothes as his cold hand caressed her colourless hair. Sapphron fell deeply into the prince's embrace, closing her eyes as she collapsed into him.

"What have I done?" She whispered looking deep into his emerald eyes. Loki could not respond to her as the amount of hurt shown on her face nearly made him scream out. Instead the prince's grip on her small frame tightened.

"Shhh." He once again soothed. The prince was able to pull Sapphron's gaze from her parents as they passed by. He pulled her chin to face his. There was little light in such a small room so all that Sapphron was able to see was his glowing green eyes.

Loki saw the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. He then placed his hand ever so gently on her face, pulling down her check softly, catching the tear. Sapphron leaned into his touch, a tingling sensation spreading through her.

"The God Of Mischief has been freed by some peasant girl." Sapphron and Loki looked through the crack to see a large group of unfamiliar guards conversing with each other.
"Yeah I heard he was betrothed to the wench"
"I heard she is a secrecy weapon from the dark elves."
"Well I heard she was enlisted by Odin himself to kill Loki, but fell in love." The group laughed thunderously.
"I heard she is half frost giant!" A woman's angry voice cut the laughter in half.

Sapphron, still hiding in the closet with Loki, tensed as her stomach dropped once more. The awful things these Asgardians were saying about her made her so angry she would have  screamed at them in that very moment if Loki did not have such a firm grasp of her waist. "How dare they!" She yelled in a whispered tone. Loki's grip tightened as he pulled the volatile girl against his strong, hard chest.
"Easy now, would not want them to hear you now would you?" He scolded, earning himself a glare from the girl with rage burning in her eyes.

"I heard she and Loki are planning to take over Asgard with their army of frost giants!" A younger voice, seeming to an adolescent boy suggested.

Fury filled Sapphron as she aggressively tried to escape Loki's firm hold. She was no match however for the strong God.
"Easy Sapphron. If it is revenge you seek you shall get it, but in due time my lady, you must not run into battle with a hot head like my brother." Loki smirked as he watched the rage fall out of her eyes. Sapphron took in his wise  words, she was able to slow down her breathing and calm her rage.


Sapphron once again looked through the small crack to see the group of warriors striding with pride down the royal halls. In minutes the large group was out of sight. Loki and Sapphron slid  out of the small closet unnoticed.

Sapphron was silent as she was wondering about what had happened to her parents. She followed Loki down the halls absentmindedly, reliving the moments she had shared with her mother and false father. Loki frequently looked to her the two walked. Loki hoped she would make eye contact with him but was able to see her mind was else where. The prince smiled to himself as he continued to lead the girl through the maze of the palace.

Loki's long strides came to a holt suddenly. Sapphron was so lost in her thought she had not noticed, this causing her to run into Loki's firm back. As if it had snapped her out of her daze, Sapphron looked up to study her surroundings.

She came to the realization that she and Loki were at the doors of the Queen's chambers.  Before Sapphron was able to interrogate Loki as to the purpose of their location, the fallen prince knocked roughly on the golden double doors.

"Come in." Frigga's familiar, sweet voice called from within the room.

Loki pushes through the golden door, pulling an extremely confused Sapphron in behind him.

"Mother." Loki greeted her,  much more warmly than their previous interaction. The prince and his mother had acted as if they had not argued hours ago.
"Ah, my son." Frigga warmly greeted, her eyes not moving from the stunning painting she was working on.

"Mother, I would like to know why the mother and father of Sapphron have been taken into our custody."
Loki's words had shocked Sapphron as she wished she could have such confidence of asking the same question.

Frigga stopped immediately following Loki's question. The Queen put down her paint brush and various paints. She finally turned to face her son and his lady companion. "Ah, Lady Sapphron." She greeted the girl with a nervous smile.
Loki sensed her dodging his question as he was indeed the God of Lies. The prince glared at his adoptive mother with shared hurt for Sapphron.

"Mother, tell us the truth." He scolded, glaring at one of the women he cared so deeply for.

"Sapphron, dear, please sit down."


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