Eight Man Squad

531 15 1

I Like It by Cardi B ft. Bad Bunny & J Balvin

"Wait, wait, wait!" Kay called, suddenly frantic, an emotion filling her throat like the feeling of dry-swallowing a big pill.
Sasuke turned, a frown creasing the bandages on his forehead.
Kay's hands reached for him and held his face in her hands.
"Bastet bless this boy." She prayed out loud. "Please, please keep him safe. He deserves to live, My Lady. I stand here begging for his life, please armor him the way you always armor me. Bless him, Bastet, for you are the one and only. The comfort of moonlight in the dark cool night."
The rest of their team stood silently still. Hearing her pray for their leader.
"Sasuke, please be careful." She whispered.
He stared back at her as her eyes watered. The sensation of being poked with needles on the back of his neck struck him as he recognized the emotion, the facial expression mirrored his mother's so perfectly.
He knew that expression too well.
"I will." He nodded.
Kay sighed like she had been holding her breath. "Amen."
And with that, she let go of his face and turned to Karin.
"I'll distract Konoha, you guys find refuge, if we need to get medical attention for Sasuke without much time notice we need a place to do it fast and without distractions."
They nodded. "Right!"
"Suigetsu and Juugo, make sure you can keep an eye on whats going on with him, be ready to pull him out if it goes too far." Kay pointed at them, making eye contact with Juugo to silently tell him to overlook it since he was the most responsible one of the three.
"Are you sure you can handle Konoha by yourself?" Sasuke asked.
Kay looked up at him, "Don't underestimate me, Suki."
He nodded.
And they all disappeared.
Kay ignored all her instincts. Something in her told her to stop Sasuke, to not let him go alone but that was mostly because she wanted to be there to stop him from getting hurt.
Something in her told her to not let Karin be on her own even though she was a capable kunoichi but that was because she worried about her so much.
Another instinct she felt was that she shouldn't kill whoever was coming from Konoha and she had planned to ignore that one too until she caught sight of an orange dot.
"Uzumaki Naruto." She said under her breath, secretly happy to see the blond boy.
She then jumped from a branch of the trees she had been jumping from and called out "Water Style: Water Glass!"
From the palms of her hands, exploded a wall of crystal clear running water.
When she finally reached ground, the glass had turned into a dome.
She walked right into the dome, the water parting just for her.
The blonde boy was ahead of everyone else, stopping to talk, she guessed. "You!"
Kay smiled. "Hello, Naruto."
She scanned the shinobi in front of her. She remembered some of them, Yamato the 'Wood Guy', Sai the 'Paint Guy' for example. All of them looked odd to her, though. Attention-catching.
Her eyes then met again with the pink-haired girl.
"How are you Haruno Sakura?" She asked.
They looked taken by surprise by the question.
"Why do you want to know?" The pinkette asked.
"Just wondering." She answered calmly, her eyes stuck on a giant white dog that stood next to another boy.
"Where's Sasuke?" Naruto asked.
"He's busy." She responded, "I'm here to stop you from getting to him, he mustn't be interrupted."
Her forehead creased as she remembered what Sasuke was doing right now. "I'd appreciate it if you could just sit down, take a breather and pause your intense ambition to bring him back to Konoha for a day or two. However, I know you won't so I'm prepared to use force."
Kiba was the first to attack, running towards her.
She moved her foot to the side and stepped out of the way, moving like she was dancing. Akamaru came at her from her side and she stepped away again but grabbed him by the torso and threw him at his owner.
Kiba fell under the weight of Akamaru being thrown at him.
Kay stood ready to fight now, one arm behind her back and one arm stretched, palm facing the rest of the group.
Naruto looked at how the water moved behind her, the same way Gaara's sand moved with him as well.
Completely at will.
He then formed his infamous hand sign, screaming what Kay heard was an iconic, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"
Four clones appeared, running at her with what she could tell was not impressive speed.
Water accumulated over her head, waiting to see what he would do.
"Rasengan!" The blonde called.
When he had gotten close enough, a fierce splash of water caught the blow.
She held the water over her hand, a wild water tornado spinning in her hand as she jumped in place, supported her weight with her left leg against the Water Dome and kicked Naruto back a few feet with her right.
She heard a soft whisper and turned to the blue-haired girl. The area surrounding her eyes forming veins.
"A Hyuuga?" Kay said out loud in disbelief, clearly impressed.
"She's got an amazing amount of chakra!" Hinata informed the rest with a voice so sweet it made Kay feel bad for what she was gonna do.
Sakura caught that, realizing she didn't actually want to fight any of them.
Kay threw the water in her hand over at the Hyuuga girl.
A silver-haired man pulled Hinata out of the way, deciding to fight Kay himself.
She recognized him instantly too, Hatake Kakashi. The Copycat Ninja.
He launched at her first, testing the waters. She didn't move away the way she had with Kiba, instead she met his leg with her forearm. They looked at each other for a moment before they pushed away.
Naruto remembered how easily Kay had caught Sakura's chakra-infused fist, even after having trained with Lady Tsunade.
Kakashi tried again, kunai at hand this time but every time he came close to her, that water would stop him.
Kay was concentrating in Kakashi's attacks as they came at her though, so when she heard the unmistakable sound of shinobi sandals against gravel there was no time to block.
She ran instead, trying to gain space between Kakashi and whoever had tried to get her.
It had been Naruto, of course.
"She's fast." Kakashi warned.
"That was close." Kay laughed short, a little on edge now. It wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.
She bit her thumb and slapped her hand on the ground.
"Summoning Jutsu!"
And next to her sat patiently, and perhaps too calmly, a black panther. Its eyes shining a bright grey.
"Ichiro." Kay greeted him. The panther bowed its head at her.
Konoha prepared to attack now, seeing a potential for disaster even bigger than before now that she had that big cat with her.
Akamaru particularly didn't like the big cat. Ichiro didn't seem too fond of him either.
It happened quick, both her and Kakashi disappeared in a flash.
They met in the middle and for once, she took a blow at him, her right fist making contact with his chin as she uppercutted him.
"Kiba-kun!" The soft voice of the Hyuuga girl was heard.
Kay kicked Kakashi aside as Sakura took her chance at attacking as well. Kay slid out of the way Sakura's powerful punch by going in-between Sakura's legs.
She grabbed Sakura's leg and threw her towards Naruto before he could think of doing something.
Kay didn't waste time as Kakashi went towards her again, this time the screeching of birds sounding loud.
"Chidori." She whispered.
Kakashi lifted his headband, showing his Sharingan. Kay hummed as he ran at her, much faster than Naruto.
She waited almost a milisecond too long but when he was close she moved just right out of the way, pulling his headband back down to cover his eye.
She jumped then as the crackling of wood came before her. The backflip made her land right on the wood that had started trying to engulf her but Yamato found the wood wouldn't wrap around her.
"It's the water, Yamato." She responded.
Naruto then came at her once again, Kay twirled, water wrapping around Naruto's waist and throwing him up in the air, she went to kick him but someone had grabbed her from behind and thrown her towards a tree.
She caught ground before she hit it and saw Kakashi's clone. She stared at it for a second and stretched her hand towards the clone that splashed immediately.
Kakashi's eye widened as she destroyed his clone by just manipulating the water it was made out of.
A cry distracted her, her head turning to find the black panther over the white dog, his owner impaired nearby.
"Ichiro!" She called in a tone a mother would use to scold their child. "Enough."
The black panther nodded and backed away from the canine pair.
"You don't want to kill us." Naruto accused. "Why?"
Kay turned. "I don't believe it's necessary."
"Why?" He asked again.
Kay relaxed her stance. "Look, Sasuke is out there fighting the only family member he has left right now. You are his family now, once its over, it's just gonna be you."
Naruto looked her over, trusting his gut as usual and decided she really just wanted what was best for Sasuke.
"I know some of his decisions are seen as questionable to you but I'm here to stand by him and if he needs me to wipe out whoever you can bet your ass I'm gonna do it." She said, her thoughts were getting interrupted as she kept hearing a familiar screech of birds far far away.
Naruto shook his head taking a step forward, forming a reaction from the water above Kay's head from the sudden movement. "Sasuke needs to come home! Can't you see? Why won't you help him see instead? That is what's right!"
Kay smiled, walking towards him, missing a step as she heard a low swirl of lightning, her palms were sweating now.
She got real close to Naruto's ear and whispered to him.
"When the time is right, Uzumaki Naruto, he will return. Until then, let him be on his journey. He needs to find himself."
The Water Dome suddenly fell, Kay looked around to see how and met with an orange mask. She faltered a couple steps back, spreading her arms to protect Naruto.
Water wrapped around them without her even thinking about it.
"What the fuck?" Kay whispered. "Tobi?"
"Shut it, Naruto." Kay raised her finger.
"Wow, I didn't think I'd meet up with Konoha all the way from here." He said in his childish tone. "Oh, but you're not from Konoha, you're that girl that helped kill Deidara-senpai!"
"Shino, you weren't there last time we went to try to retrieve Sasuke, we're counting on you." Naruto said.
"Don't be too rash, just keep an eye on him for now." Kakashi ordered.
"Oh you're here for Sasuke-kun!" Tobi said, scratching the back of his head.
Kay couldn't help herself, there was no way that guy really was this much of a childish fool. "Is he okay?"
Tobi didn't answer, Kay wiped her hands against her clothes as they dampened even more.
"Bastet, Bastet, glory be with you, please. Oh my goddess, please protect him." She whispered, counting the beads on her bracelet.
She kept going, her eyes closed as everyone around her fought the masked guy. She repeated the name and kept blessing Sasuke.
Tobi played mole around her, almost as if he didn't want her hurt.
Another figure appeared when Kay opened her eyes again, a green creature Kay couldn't quite describe as a completely human nor completely plant but she remembered him.
"Itachi has been killed. It seems Uchiha Sasuke has defeated him." Zetsu said.
Kay dropped her hand from the beads and hugged her stomach as she crouched down. "Oh thank goodness."
"Sasuke-kun... killed Itachi?" Sakura stuttered.
"Sasuke's down too, it seems he's hanging by a thread." Zetsu responded.
Kay's heart sunk. "No." Her voice was a mere whisper.
"Hey you aloe vera bastard!" Naruto called, pointing at him. "Where the hell is Sasuke?"
"Aloe vera?" Zetsu asked, obviously insulted.
"Ignore him." Tobi said, a newfound tone in his voice, no longer childish, no longer a fool.
"I'll continue my fight with you another time." He told them, meeting eyes with Kakashi.
And that's when Kay saw it, the strange glimmer of red.
"Wait!" Kay called. "Take me with you, take me to him!"
Tobi looked down at her and grabbed her, raising his hand and spoke one last word before disappearing with Kay; "Farewell."

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