Hokage's Right Hand

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Pray For Me by Kendrick Lamar ft. The Weeknd

"How's it feel to be a Kage?" Kay whispered to Kakashi as they sat at his desk.
Killmonger read through papers as her chair faced the window.
Kakashi faced the door, his feet up on the desk, piles of paperwork surrounding them both.
"Fantastic." He mumbled.
"Yeah, this is a whole lot of fun."
"Mmhm." Kakashi signed yet another paper.
Killmonger looked out the window for a second, setting eye at the very horizon.
She would do it very often now that Sasuke was gone, she'd look out there and see if she could spot her raven-haired fiancée making a return home.
Sometimes she hoped for disasters that'd bring him home for at least a couple of days- a couple of hours.
"This one is for you." Kakashi said, handing her a paper.
She read the paper through, trying to remember when she had put that out.
Ever since she joined Kakashi's team at the Hokage's office she officially unofficially was his advisor.
Sometimes she'd walk through the village and see something that reminded her of Yagura's Bloody Mist reign in Kirigakure and the way it ended- not good- she'd write it down on a notebook.
She noticed too much, sometimes she made propositions to be decided on by the elders and sent them faster than she could even keep track on.
"I got another one the other day." Kay chirped in.
She really wanted his opinion on this one, usually she would mention stuff to him and he'd very very rarely ask further questions.
Kay wanted him to question him on this one.
"What about?" Kakashi asked, he knew this was going to be important but decided to sound disinterested so he would not embarrass her.
"The Uchiha ruins." Kay whispered.
Kakashi put his papers down. "What were you thinking?"
"I'm thinking museum." Kay said, turning her chair towards him. "A type of reminder, I guess. Not of what happened, of course, but of the events that lead to that point. Remind people of what war and a non-united country can cause. Do you know what I mean?"
Kakashi was quiet, "what were you thinking for the museum?"
"Well first, there's some safety hazards we have to take care of, of course. They've been unkept with for a while and we can't have children getting hurt. I'm thinking plaques of some of the members of the clan, including Itachi, Madara and Obito. An explanation of the Sharingan. It'll be kind of like the Village's history."
Kakashi nodded, "well I would gladly sign off on that if it wasn't for one problem."
"I know." Kay whispered, "do you think I should send him a letter about it?"
Kakashi smiled, "was that all just to have an excuse to force your boyfriend to come back just to sign on some papers?"
"Fiancée, not boyfriend," she protested, waving her left hand at him.
"Was it?"
Kay scoffed, "kind of, but it's still a good idea."
"You miss him quite a bit, huh?"
Kay nodded, chin rested on her knees, "I don't know how she did it. Being away from him for three whole years."
Kakashi stared at her, "the promise Naruto gave her really stuck."
Kay grabbed a couple of papers and went to reading again, they didn't speak for another two hours.
She thought of the wedding whenever she wanted to feel better, or grab her engagement ring and look at it and the way it looked in her hand.
She ran the guest list through her mind a lot, always stopping at one name that she wasn't sure what to do with.
Haruno Sakura did not speak to her. They were not friends and they did not cross paths if they could help it and there was a lot of ways to avoid someone in Konoha.
Killmonger repeated to herself that she couldn't just not invite her to the wedding, regardless of everything she remained being Sasuke's teammate.
Sasuke's childhood friend.
It was going to be his special day too- both of theirs, together.
Kay didn't really have anything against the pink-haired girl, she was a very capable and fulfilled Kunoichi. That was one thing that she never doubted and kind of respected her for. Sakura was also incredibly good as a medic nin, something Kay herself never mastered.
Above it all though, Sakura looked at Sasuke with those green bright eyes Kay was so jealous of and with just one look begged him to leave Kay for her.
Kay saw it happen so many times before he had left, that same look, it drove her crazy.
It drove her absolutely mad but she always let her do it, she let it happen and prayed in silence that Bastet gave her strength to let him go if one day those green eyes finally persuaded him.
Sasuke didn't know any of that, though, he just thought that was how Sakura was coping, he never quite thought the look she gave him actually meant anything of importance.
"How is she, anyway?" Kay asked.
"Good. Better, I think."
Kay hummed, wondering if she could do anything to fix the situation. Haruno Sakura, if she really loved Sasuke the way she said she did -or showed she did- she would want him to be happy no matter if it wasn't with her.
It seemed only fair.
Sasuke was in love with Kay, everyone knew that. People saw it whenever they walked down the streets of Konoha together even if they weren't holding hands.
Kakashi had seen it the first time he saw them together, the way they communicated with each other with glances and a single lift of a finger, a change in their foot stance.
It was like magnetism, they couldn't not be drawn to each other. They met at completely opposite points in their lives, with opposite personalities and she still managed to capture his attention like no one else ever had.
Kay sighed, "I'm going crazy."
Kakashi hummed, "you've just got to relax. Sakura is a really nice girl, she would never do anything to hurt anyone."
"I know, it still makes me anxious, though." She responded, noticing water pooling on her palms.
Kay made a sound Kakashi recognized too well and looked over at her.
She had had an idea, came at her like if it had dropped into her brain from the heavens.
Killmonger's hands went to a blank scroll on the side of Kakashi's desk and started writing.
"Now what?" He asked.
"Mental Illness hospital." Kay mumbled, "for those who suffered losses in the any of the wars. For whoever may need it, we need refuge for the citizens suffering from deseases not as easily treated as physical wounds."
Kakashi rose his eyebrows, a little sheepish on the idea but he understood why it was needed. He also understood why it would mean so much to her for it to become a reality, for both her upbringing and Sasuke's -even Kakashi himself thought it would've been helpful for himself.
"And I'll put Sakura in charge of it." Kay finished.
Kakashi hummed in appreciation, "I think she'll quite like that."
Kay smiled at him, "yeah, me too."

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