Hunhan's Lotte World Adventure [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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  “Okay Luhan, all set?” Sehun said, waiting for his strawberry blonde partner. Luhan was still busy dressing up. Since the weather was a little chilly and he had a slight cold, Xiumin asked him to put on a sweater. Well, he didn’t really ask, it was more of like “You better put on a sweater before you die in the cold and freeze to death on the carousel with a million kids sticking lollies on your jeans.” Luhan decided he better do what Xiumin said.

                “Ah…” Luhan let out a little whine as he got caught in the sweater he was trying to wear. Sehun shook his head and went over. “Here, let me help you.” He rolled down the sleeves for Luhan and helped him put it on, straightening it out.

                “Don’t forget okay, there’s going to be lots of people out there so if you don’t wanna get lost, you stick with me, okay?”

                Luhan nodded. Sehun looked at him for a little bit and snapped his fingers. He rummaged around his closet and found a beanie. Luhan always looked good in beanies (frankly, Luhan looked good in anything).  He put it on the boy’s head and smiled. “Okay, now you’re good to go.”

                “Have fun guys!” Xiumin waved at them from the door.

                “Oppa!! Bring home so cotton candy!” Lucy called. Sehun gave them small thumbs up as they walked towards the elevator and down to the lobby.

                Lotte World was and still is one of Korea’s most popular amusement parks. Luhan has spent all his time cooped up indoors and since he was playful, Sehun decided that there was nothing better than taking him outside to play, and what better place to play then Lotte World?

                “Okay, first things first. We need a nickname for you.” Luhan was far too distracted by the bright lights and colours of the theme park, so he didn’t hear a word of what Sehun said. His eyes roamed around in sheer excitement as Sehun racked his brains to think of a name. Then, he felt an urgent tug on his arm as Luhan pointed to something before running towards it.

                “Hey! Wait for me!!” Sehun called, chasing after Luhan. Luhan entered a brightly lit shop and head straight for the very thing that caught his attention: head bands.

                “These are head bands.” Sehun panted, trying to explain. He took one that was pink with furry bunny ears and put it on Luhan’s head. Luhan looked at his own reflection in the nearby mirror. He smiled in glee. This was so much fun for him!

                “I still haven’t thought of a name.” Sehun frowned, but the playful boy has long forgotten about Sehun’s problem because he was too busy looking through the colourful head bands and trying everything on.

                “Lulu? Nah, that’s kind of girly, but it would be easier for me to call you that. How about Xiao Lu, since…” Luhan popped up in front of Sehun, wearing bright red cat ears. He laughed at Sehun’s shocked expression, happily clapping his hand.

                “Aww, how cute! You look like such an adorable kitty!” Sehun pulled one of Luhan’s ears for good measure and just like that, an epiphany struck him. “I know! I’ll call you Kitty! You’re a cute Kitty!”

                Luhan seemed to have no objections with the name (probably because he was too distracted) but insisted on getting the head band. So, with his new kitty head band, they were all ready to go and play.

                “Here, take the ticket.” Sehun handed it to him. “I wanted to buy a kid’s ticket for you, but the lady at the counter wouldn’t believe me if I said you were a kid.” Luhan pouted, somewhat peeved that Sehun likes to call him a kid.

The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Where stories live. Discover now