The Wrong Movie and a Raid [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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 You have worked long and hard for this. You can do this. Go in there and slay that dragon! Come on man, get it together!

                “Oh Sehun?”

                Sehun took a deep breath and went into the room. His professor was sitting at her desk right before him. She looked at him with a soft smile before gesturing to his seat. The exam sheet has already been neatly placed facing down. Sehun huffed out some air, making his bangs fly in the process and sat down.

                “You have two hours for this make up test. Remember, if you pass this test I will take this score over your previous one.”

                “Yes Professor.”

                “Excellent. You may start,” she started the timer on her phone. “Now.”

                Sehun flipped the paper over and started answering the questions. I can do this! I can do this! I have prepared enough for this!

                Two hours seem to pass in a blink of an eye for Sehun and before he knew it, time was up.

                “Time’s up. Sehun, hand in your paper.” Sehun scribbled a few more words at the end of his short essay and handed it in. Whew, I managed to get it all done.

                “I’ll grade your paper and tell you the results by Monday.” Professor Kim smiled, shuffling the answer sheets. “How is the paper? Did you find it difficult?”

                “Well, it wouldn’t be an exam without its difficulties.”

                “True. I saw your composure and stance while taking the exam. You seem quite calm, I suppose there will be some improvement this time around.”

                Sehun smiled a little, feeling a as if a ten ton block was removed off his shoulders. The professor bid him good luck as he walked out of the room. There was an extra spring in his step and he felt as if he was floating on air. Yes siree, I got a good feeling about this!

                “Yo Sehun!” A few of Sehun’s friends from the dance club walked up to him. “How was the makeup test?”

                “I don’t wanna be all cocky and all,” Sehun smiled, rubbing his hands in glee. “But I’ve got a good feeling about it!”

                “Dude, that means you ace the test!”

                “Congrats man!” a few fist bumps and friendly hugs with his mates later, one of them named Kibum asked if he would like to hang out with them after class.

                “No thanks guys. I’m just gonna head home and sleep.”

                “Aw come on, we haven’t hung out together in a while. We can go the mall, cruise around, pick up some chicks at the food court if you know what I mean.” Kibum wiggled his eyebrows and everybody laughed.

                “Yeah, and now’s a great time! I heard there’s an all-girl’s college from out of town here on a field trip!”

                “Seriously?” the boys widen their eyes. Sehun just smiled, but he wasn’t all that interested.

                “Yeah and with Sehunnie here, we’ll be sure to hook a few lovely fish.”

                “Yeah, who can resist the almighty Oh Sehun?”

The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Where stories live. Discover now