Chapter 1

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7 am.

With a lot of force, you hit the top of your alarm clock to finally make it stop ringing and annoying you.

You slowly rubbed your eyes while trying to sit and get up but failed. Laying back down, eyes already open, you stared at the ceiling, debating whether you should really go to college today or not.


You snapped as that word appeared in your mind.

Today wasn't just any other normal day, nope, you just realized that today was your very first day at your new college, since you moved to another town nearby your old one.

While sighing deeply, you felt the anxiety creeping up your back. Basically, you had like no friends nor any other contacts at this college or in this area and you didn't have any idea of where to go and what to do. You started thinking...

As suddenly, your phone on your bedside table started vibrating - someone was calling - none other than...

Jisoo, your best friend and - what you already forgot - the one with which you would spend your days at college from now on because you moved to her hometown on purpose for that matter.

A sigh of relief left your mouth as you realized that fact, all the anxiety being gone as fast as it came.

You wouldn't be alone, she would tell you where to go and what to do, she would inform you about the school and its students and everything you had to know. She was your savior, without her - let's say you would be low-key lost.

While you yourself are quite shy, a bit introverted even, she's the complete opposite. Awesome, loud, has a bubbly personality, is outgoing af, beautiful and on top of that - very popular.

She was like that one person that kept you from being the complete outsider on your new college and you were very thankful for that.

Suddenly, you flinched as you heard your phone ring again because it had already stopped ringing while you have been thinking for so long.

Quickly, you grabbed it and answered your bestie.

"Woah, finally, Y/N! You're still such a sleepyhead oh boy... But aye! Did you already forget that today is your first day at college? We have to be there early, I want to show you around! I'll be at your house at 7:30, okay?" You heard Jisoo cheerily talking without making any pauses, like she always does.

"Uhm, yup, I'll be in front of my house then. But wait- I'm not a sleepyhead! I've been awake already to be honest!" You answered in a pouting tone.

"Oh really? In that case, you remained a daydreamer~ See you later, Y/N!" She said before hanging up. Woah. This girl sure was something interesting, always humble.

Slowly slipping from your bed on your way to the closet, you caught a look at the time and jumped. It was already 7 o'clock and you only had 30 minutes to get ready.

At the speed of light, you grabbed your school uniform and put it on in a hurry. Right after, you quickly did your make-up - only what was necessary - brushed your hair and went downstairs.

You prepared your breakfast - which was in fact the most important meal of the day for you - as you checked your social media, noticing nothing special. As always.

'What would it feel like being popular? Would I have a ton of messages now?'

Then you looked back down at your phone, the screen showing not even one single message, causing you to sigh.

'Damn, I really should finally make some friends or at least acquaintances beside her...'

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