Back in LA

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Two weeks before the filming start again, Nathan and Stana got Back to LA, both went to their own houses and unpack their their bags. Nathan sat on his couch and felt so alone, the pas year, he hadnt been alone at his house without Stana, now she was at her house and his house felt so empty without her, is like half of his join go away without her next to him.

Stana unpacked her things and went to the kitchen to make some coffee, but it wasnt the same drinking coffee without Nathan, she needed to be with him all the time to feel happy, to feel joy in her life, it seemed like she couldnt stay far from him even a second, they cant live without each other anymore. So both had the same reaction, they took their keys and Stana went to Nathan's and Nathan to Stana's, but they mett each other in the middle of their way

"where are you going?" they asked at the same time

"I was going to see you" Stana answer

"i was going to see you too" Nathan said

"Lets drink a coffee over there" Stana said and they went to the starbucks right in front of them

they sat in a table in the corner, hoping no one could see or hear them, they asked for their coffees

"Nathan I've been thinking in my away here, and I think we shoud take another step in our realationship, you saw now, we cant stay any second away cause we imiddiately start missing each other" Stana said

"so what do you mean with taking another step in our realationship?"

"I think we should move in together" Stana said

"how didnt I have think about it yet?!" Nathan said kind of loud

"shs Nathan" Stana said looking around to see if anyone had heard him

"sorry I was just to excited" he said and stana smiled

"so you agree with is?"

"its the only thing I want to do right now, but dont you think we'll be taking taking a risk?" Nathan asked

"maybe, but we cant stop living our lives just because of the show, I mean I love the show and the rest of the crew, but dont you think the more important is us?" Stana said with her puppy eyes

"ok we can try" said Nathan and smiled really really hard of happiness "we going to your house our mine?"

"we need to see which one is bigger and which one is more near the studio" stana suggested

"looks like we're going to my house" said Nathan

"so tonight we sleep in my place and tomorrow you help me moving" Stana said

"sounds good to me"

"lets go?"

They went to Stana's house and watched some TV then, they cooked dinner, after eating Nathan helped Stana packing her clothes and everything that she was going to needo live with him

"You have lots of clothes" nathan said

"I know and I use all of them" she answer

"We'll probably will need to buy a bigger cabinet for my house"

"But I think I'll leave some clothes here in case of anything happen, cause I still need to come here sometimes cause if Tam or someone comes here I need to pretend that I still leave here"

"But what if they come here and you're not here?" Nathan asked

"They usually call me first, so thats not gonna be a problem" Stana answer

After a while they went to sleep

The next morning Nathan went to the kitchen while Stana waas sleeping, and decide to make her breakfast

"whats the special occasion? you´ve never cooked me breakfast before" Stana said as Nathan woke up her

"it's my way to say 'thanks for miving in with me" he said and Stana let oout an "awww"nand kissed him

" well but now we need to dress up and start oving my things to your house"

They put everything in her car and went to his house, they unpacked his things and the move was done.

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