That photo

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The next morning I woke up with my head hurting, probably because I cried to much the night before. I looked to my left side and so Nahan sleeping, I'm so glad that we didnt broke up, he's a sweetheart. I stood up and went to the kitchen, I made some tea for me and I did coffee for Nathan, Omg I miss coffee so much. I looked at the clock that we had in the kitchen wall and it was already 1pm. Today before I wanted to go to the studio, it was Molly's birthday. 

"Na its already 1pm wake up! We need to go to the studio today"

"Why?" he asked

"Its Molly's birthday, I want to wish her an happy birthday personally after all she did for us I think she deserves dont you think?"

"Yes I do, but let me sleep a little more"

"Nathan please..."

"Ok Im standing up" he said and I laughed

We went to the kitchen and ate our breakfast, then we went to the studio

"Hey what are you doing here?" Everyone asked us when they saw us there

"We wanted to wish a happy birthday to Molly, where's she?" Nathan asked

"She's in the makeup room getting ready to film" Penny said

"thanks" I answer and pulled Nathan to the room

"Happy Bday" I screamed and ran to Molly and hugged her 

After we left, we packed out things for our 'trip' to Croatia

When we were lefting home

"Nathan? did you tell your parents about us?" I asked him

"I sent them an E-mail, you know, they didnt want me to spend money buying a flight to NY" he said

"did you told them we were going to croatia?"

"Why?  thats not relevant, they dont need to know that for living"

Hours Later

We arrived in Crotia and took a cab to my parents house. We knocked on the door

"Stana! Nathan!" My dad said really happy for seeing us "Come in, your mother isn't home she will be back by night, Im home alone" He said

After we put our bags in our room, it was time to tell my dad the news. We told him everything that happened and how the things were going to be

"But there's something else dad" I said

"What?" I promise my parents that I will never tell anyone about my daughter when I was 16, but I just had told Nathan

"Dad, I told Nathan about that..." he knew what I was talking about

"You did what? Stana you broke your promise"

"Dad you need to understand, she's my daughter I care about her even knowing about what happened. And nathan is here to help me, Dad we came cause we wanr information about her"

"Stana, are you sure you want to do this?" My dad asked me

"I've never been so sure"

"Look I want to hel you, its in your rights to want to meet that girl, and I'll be here no matter what happen" my dad said and hugged me "Lets work on this" he said and went to his room and when he came back he had a box on his hands

We were sitting in the couch:

"The only thing I know is that her and her parents ar not herein croatia, wait I have here her parents names" My dad said and open the box

Nathan's POV 

Inside the box were lots of papers, photos, his personal things, but there was a photo that called my attention, I took my phone and pretend that I was texting but I was taking a picture with my phone to that photo

(back to Stana's POV)

"Here is it, Miss Joan C. and Mr Carl C."

"What does the C. is?" Nathan asked

"Its their name, but I never knew what it was. oh but there's something, they changed the girl's birthday day" My dad said

"Like that is going to be harder to find her. no wait I have an idea, lets go to the site of the odotion company and see the babys adopted in 1993" Nathan said

I took my computer from my bag and turned it on, the company name was Adoption.Babies, it was a place where they just had babies, I went to the year 1993 and the baby girls section. The good thing about this site is that they're always updated about the peoples phone number or adress. Then there was a girl adopted in the name of a Miss and Mr C., that was her, and they had their phone number. My heart was beating really fast, I was finaly going to talk with my daughters addoptive parents. 

Nathan wrote the number on his phone and put it on speaker, he handed me his phone

"...pip...pip..pip" the phone was saying

"Hello?!" a voice said from the other side of the line.

Stanathan A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now