If...I resign

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"Stana Katic, do you marry me?"

"ahahah" Jon laughed "your so funny Nathan" he said and everyone also started laughing thinking what Nathan did was just a joke

Then I screamed so everyone heard "I will marry you" and I kissed him as hard as I could. Everyone was looking at us in shock

"so this is not a joke?" Seamus asked

"Totaly not. We can explained everything if you want" Nathan said

Everyone sat in the room hearing us, It felt like we were the center of the universe

"so for how long have you been dating?" Tamala asked

?I looked at Nathan and we laughed knowing what their reaction could be

"What are you guys laughing about?" Juliana asked

"Two years" Nathan answer

"how did we never noticed anything?" said Jon in shock

"that was the point no one find out" I explained

"hey Molly you didnt asked any kind of quesions yet arent you curious?" Tamala asked Molly

"She knew it since I found out I was pregnant that friday night in the restaurant" I said

"oh thats why you were that long inside the bathroom" Juliana said putting the pieces together

"Hey whare's Andrew and Terri?" Nathan asked

"I think they went to Andrew's office, they had a really bad face wheb they left" Said Susan

Nathan grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him to Andrew's office. He knocked

"come in" Terri said

Nathan and I sat in the chairs in front of Andrew's desk

"We need to have a really serious conversation guys" Andrew said with a serious and sad face "you know I love you guys, but I think you were warning right in the begginig, in 2009, that if actually two of our people that have a big conection betwen their charecters, start dating, I'll be obliged to fire one of them, for me you could stay but if the director of ABC find out, I'll also be fired" I knew he was talking about me, he was never going to fired Nathan who is the main charecter, I was already crying when he looked at me

"I'm so sorry Stana, its not my choice" Andrew said looking into my eyes

"its ok, I understand, you dont have a choice and by the way, we knew it this was going to happen, dont think I'll hate you Andrew, cause I totaly know this is not your fault and I dont want to prejudice you or Terri, so maybe this is the best thing to do" I said with my face full of tears

I walked out of the office and everyone was waiting for us, Nathan was right behind me and I could see a tear running down his face

"What happened?" Molly asked me

"its over, Kate Beckett is dead to me" I said and went to my personal room to pick my thing

Meanwhile, Terri and Andrew were calling the Studio Director to come over and give me my papers. We were all now in the break room waiting for the director, Me, natha, seamus, juliana, jon, tamala, molly, james, susan, penny, Tterri and Andrew, Then the man came inside and looked directly at me

"Here's your papers, now you can go home and start searching for a new job" the amn said being really rude, he turned back and was about to left when Nathan said:

"this rule is the stupid thing I've ever seen in my life"

"excuse me?!" the man asked 

"You hear me, now if you fired Stana, I resign" said Nathan

"Me too" Molly said

"Same here" Tamala said moving next to Nathan and Molly

"we resign too" Juiana and Seamus said moving next to them

"We too" Said Susan and Penny

"I offer myself out too" James said and Jon followed him

"I will too" Terri said

Andrew was the only one left, the director looked at us and tehn at Andrew

"We still have the writer, he can right new story" The rude man said trying not to panic

"No, not anymore" Andrew said and moved next to the rest of the FORMER crew. there was no one left in the show... what is going to happen next?

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