After the storm

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After that storm, we all went back inside the studio, but nothing felt the same, everything just felt more fresh, it was like having a new start, just the fact that we had Andrew as our Studio Director was just so comfortable, but it wasn't just that; Today I understood that I had more family than I could Imagine, this crew is like my family, what they did for me today was absolutely amazing, I owe them a big one, I really loved what they did, I mean I could expect this from Nathan but I couldn't even dream about the others doing this, Castle Family is the best family ever. But there's something thats has been worrying me, something that can ruin my relationship with Nathan...

"Hey guys, thank's for what you did" I said to everyone 

"You'd do the same for us" Seamus said 

"Always" Nathan Whisperer in my ear and kissed me

"Ohhhhh" "awwww" we could heard all around us. That was officialy our first kiss in 'public'

"So lets get back to work?" Andrew asked everyone 

"Lets do it"

Nathan and I went to the swings again to film the season 6 first scene. I was in the make up room alone with the girl, she was cleanig my makeup cause my tears ruined everything. hen she left, I was about to leave the room and go back to the swings were they were waiting for me, when my phone rang, i look at the ID caller and screamed for Nathan

"Nathan!! Can you come here please" and in two seconds he was there

"what is it? is everything ok?" he asked me

"Its from TVLine" I answer 

"Put it on speaker" He said and I did as he asked me 

"Stana Katic?"

"Ya this is she"

"I'm Michael Ausiello we've met before, im the interviewr from TVLine remember?"

"Ya I remember I actually save th TVLine number"

"well, Im calling cause everyone here is curious about what happened today, I think you know what I'm talkihng about, the fans, the tweets, your Studio Director... I'd like to interview you to talk about what happened today, the fans are waiting, so what do you say?" Michael asked me

"can I call you back in two please?"

"Oh absolutely, I'll wait then" he answer and hung up

"Do you think..." Nathan cutted me

"Yes I do"

"How can you even know what I was about to ask?"

"I know you Stana, I can totaly read you eyes" I blushed hearing this "Its time to tell the world about us"

"But there's something Na, I dont want my parents to know about us and the pregnancy by an interview that will be post on youtube, I'd like to tell them personally"

"Right..." He said thinking about some solution "Lets try to agend this interview for the end of the week (it was tuesday), so we can go to croatia and tell them our news"

"Thank's Na, you really are amazing"

"now just call Michael back and try to agend the interview for saturday maybe"

I called him and asked if Nathan could go too, he obviously answer yes. We went to film the scene that was left, then we were talking with everyone:

"So you're going to Croatia to tell your parents?" Jon asked to be sure of what he heard

"Yup" Nathan answer

"I still can't believe that you're together, everything was just so fast, it was like, when we found out you were together, you just had proposed to her and you were already pregnant" Tamala said still in her shock fase

"I know right! even me cant still believe what I'm leaving, this is like the fairytail I've drem when I was a kid" I said and Nathan and I gave hands

"well guys is time for us to go, we have lots of things to do, but dont worry right after coming from Croatia and during the pregnancy, we will send lots of times here to help Andrew as it was planned, and not to be that bored at home" Nathan said

"Home?!" Andrew asked confused

"We didn't tell you? I'm already living in Nathan's house for a couple of months, we've already moved in" I said 

"one more thing to add to you list 'the proposal, the pregnancy and now you living together" Tamala said and everyone laughed

"I think we should go" I said

"bye have a save trip" evryone said as we left

At our loft

Nathan was sitting in the couch with his computer on his lap looking for flights to Croatia as sooner as possible:

"Na, Can I talk to you?" I asked with a tear already running down my face

"what it it?" he asked still looking at his Mac's screen

"Can you look at me for a minute and stop using the computer"

He looked at me and saw that tearnow falling to th floor, then more tears started to come from my eyes and in seconds I had a river on my face

"Stana what is it? you're worrying me"

"We need to talk, w need to talk about something very serious" 

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