The power of the fans

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The studio Director was right in front of us, we were all waiting for his reaction. Meanwhile I saw Nathan, Seamus, Jon and Andrew on their phones:

"what are they doing?" Molly asked me

"I have no idea" I answer. Then Tamala who has just finished from talking with Jon whisperer in my ear:

"They're on twitter" she said and then showed me her phone

There were four tweets, one from Nathan, other from Andrew and the two others from Jon and Seamus, Nathan's tweet just said:

#CastleFandom The ABC director just tried to fired @StanaKatic, The rest of the Castle Family resign and maybe there's not will be anymore @Castle_ABC"

Andrew's "Our dear Studio Director just basicly fired all of us, Castle's over goodbye @Castle_ABC"

Seamus's "Our @StanaKatic is much more important the @Castle_ABC, so if our director fired her, we all resign"

And Jon's " we all love u @StanaKatic, and if you're not part of the show anymore, none of us will. @Castle_ABC is dead for us"


"if you dont want to have a job thats your problem not mine, and you dont need to resign, I fire you all" the man said

He walked us to the entrance of the studio and there, where I was already crying more than I ever did in my whole life, We all had the most amazing surprise of our lives. In front os the studios were at least 2 or 3 hundred persons screaming and with posters in the air saying "WE WANT CASTLE! WE WANT CASTLE! WE WANT CASTLE!" There as a girl in front of the other with a megaphone saying "We are not leaving until the ABC director employ our favorite cast again" the woman repeated this thousands of times until the Director went to next the woman took the megaphone and said

"Ok, ok, ok you won, Castle crew is not going anywhere, you heard me your al employed again, but.."

I dont know the concret reason for what he sai next, but I couldn't be more happy with this decision

"But I'm the one that resign" he said and then walked away. The fans seemed happy about the man resigning, and in that exact moment Andrew's Phone rang, after talking for a couple of minutes, he looked at us and said:

"it was from the studio office, they want me to continue work with you guys and be the new ABC studio Director" As he said this we ll hugged him and then Nathan Called the woman with the megaphone next to us:

"Can I use you megaphone please?"

"Sure" she answer

Nathan gave the megaphone to Andrew and he looked at the fans and asked them:

"The ABC studio invite me to be the new director, but I'll continue working on Castle, should I accept?"

We heard everyone screaing out loud "YES!"

I took the megaphone from Andrew's hands and then I told our fans "you are the best fandom a TV show could hope for, thank you guys! and thank you Twitter too"

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