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Day 1

I still can't get over last night. I barely had enough sleep. It can't be yuta though. We're in good terms for the past 6 months, after that dream i've been distant to him for a few weeks but it didn't last long.

We're having breakfast now. I can't eat properly, all i've been doing is play with my food which is bad. I need to make a move if this is going to happen all over again.

"Taeyong stop playing with your food" i heard Taeil hyung said. But I can't, so i excused myself, grabbed my plate and put it in the sink, then i went back to the room to take a shower.

After i was done. Just to be clear, we have a 2 month vacation after months of promotions. I went out of my room, me and Ten had plans today to go to the mall, maybe while in the mall i could spot someone following us.

If this is a dream, please wake me up now. I don't want to see anyone getting hurt anymore. I went to Ten and Lucas's room. Ten texted me awhile ago to wait outside his room. About 20 minutes passed there is still no sign of Ten.

"Ten, are you done? C'mon we have to go" I said, then i knocked. No one was amswering, so i didn't hesitate and opened the door. My mouth nearly dropped.

"Ten" i softly called. 'fvck' i cursed under my breathe, i held his head. Lifted it up and i let it rest on my lap. His face is beaten up and has blood all over his face. I just mentioned i don't want to see any of this anymore.

"Who did this to you?" I asked. Instead of saying he pointed at something. A post it note with a letter. Shit, not this again. I carried Ten to his bed and went to get the first aid kit.

I was panicking while running through the hallway. I passed by yhe other member's rooms. When I got to my room, i quickly went to get the first aid and ran back to Ten.

I forgot all of the members have errands to do today. While the kids have school. As I got back to Ten's room, i got a clean face towel from his bathroom, dumped it in water and used it to clean the dry blood from his face.

I started cleaning his wounds. After that, he started to fell asleep. He's injured badly, i told him i'll take him to the hospital after he rests. I contacted the company and told them everything is under control.

I sat on the sofa inside their room. I took the post-it note and the so called 'letter'

"Great" i whispered under my breathe. It says '1' then at the paper it says 'this is just the beginning' ofcourse it is, it says 1 did it not? Now i'm being sarcastic.

Well, noon came. I took Ten to the hospital. While he's getting a scan for any other injuries, i was at the waiting area. Then my phone rang. Another unknown number. I answered it and stood up then I went outside.

"Liked my surprise?"


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