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"jaehyun, come down. i think i saw someone follow jungwoo." i hang up before he could say anything. i saw a guy with a black hoodie following after jungwoo when he left.

when jaehyun came we followed the direction jungwoo usually takes his morning jogs. when we did, we turned and saw jungwoo falling down the stairs. jaehyun and ran to it and saw the guy in front of jungwoo. "jungwoo!" jaehyun called, X ran away before we could even do something.

"go bring jungwoo to the hospital, i'll follow him." jaehyun said and ran away. i couldn't argue with him anymore so i carried jungwoo all the way up and called a taxi.


in the hospital, i look at jungwoo who is peacefully sleeping in the hospital bed. the doctor said it's not that serious and put some stitches in his head. jaehyun went inside sweating and panting, "did you find him?" i whispered, he shook his head. i gave him a glass of water, he sat down afterwards.

"how's jungwoo doing?" he asked. "he's fine now, just need a few stitches. but still need to run more test just to make sure nothing's wrong." jaehyun nodded, he looked so tired though. and worried, well we are.

jaehyun and i went back to the dorm to take showers. then jaehyun went back to jungwoo afterwards. i lay down on the sofa and stared at the ceiling, i heard the door open and saw yuta coming in. he's wearing a black hoodie.

"where have you been?" i asked. he went to the ref and took a bottle of water, "went for a jog, how's jungwoo?" he asked and wiped his sweat. "he's fine, just need to stay at the hospital for a while." i said, how did he know about jungwoo? "taeil hyung told me, i told you tae. it's not me, i could never" he said. he must've read my thought,

"i know man, sorry. just stressed out." i said, he finished the water and threw the bottle in the recycling bin. he then went to the bathroom with his towel. i sighed and lay down again, "what the fck is happening?" i said to myself. i was about to close my eyes when my phone rang, i groaned.

"what do you want?" i asked, he chuckled. "tired already? we haven't even started yet." he said, i sat up from my bed. "you see, what happened to jungwoo just gave me a wonderful idea for my next victim. who do you think is next?" he said, i can feel my hand gripping my phone too hard.

my eyes widened a bit, yuta is in the bathroom. i went near the door and tried to listen, "yuta's right taeyong, it's not him. you know you should really sharpen your eyes for this one." he said, he's watching me. i went away to the door and went to the window, "then how about showing your face?" i said.

"too easy." he replied. "i swear if you touch or hurt one of the members again, i will hunt you down and-"

"and what? kill me? you don't have the guts." he said, i observed the scene outside. i saw someone with a telescope at a rooftop of a building. i smirked, "i don't?" i stared at him. "guess you can finally see me now huh?" he said. not literally, my eyes are bit blinded by the brightness of the sky.

"don't waste your energy on killing me taeyong, i told you, you don't have the guts." he said and chuckled, i saw he was about to hang up the phone when i spoke, "we'll see about that." i said.

"how about preventing what's about to happen tomorrow?"


an; and there you go.. tomorrow, update ;))

feel free to correct me on spellings and grammars! <33

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