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i went to the hospital after seeing our manager take off with the police officers. jaehyun and the others were waiting outside, all of nct our here. an hour later, the doctor came out. taeil hyung went near him, "how is he?" he asked.

just when the doctor was about to answer jisung's parents came. we all bowed to them, "are you guys okay? how's my jisung?" mrs. park asked, "we're all okay, and they just finished his surgery." taeil hyung answered.

the doctor told them that jisung is lucky to be brought at the hospital early, otherwise it would be hard for them to look for the bullet. "he'll be conscious after a couple of hours, now excuse me." we all bowed to the doctor and he left. we all excused ourselves to jisung's parents as well, i told jae to bring the guys back at my place since my parents left town for awhile.

i left last, i went to go see jisung even if just outside his room. i sniffed and wiped my tears, "i'm sorry." i said almost a whisper. "don't be," I heard someone say making me wipe nybtears again. i bowed to jisung's father. "it's not your fault, and jisung wouldn't want you to blame yourself either." i couldn't say anything and just slowly nodded.

he patted my shoulder, "go home taeyong and get some rest. we'll take care of him." he said and went inside, i bowed again. i looked at jisung one more time and left the hospital.

when i got home, i saw them sleeping in the living room. "they didn't want to sleep in the rooms and want to stick together. so i let them." taeil hyung said. "i took out some pillows, blankets and mattresses. is that okay?" i nodded. i washed and went to sleep with them.

Day 11

"it's all your fault!"

i sat up from the sofa and panted. that voice is familiar, i wiped my sweat. "hyung, you okay?" i heard jeno asked. i nodded, "where are the others?" i asked. "taeil and johnny hyung went to mark hyung, he's gonna be discharged today. and the others went for a quick walk." jaemin answered.

"what?" i asked, "don't worry they said they'll be quick and alarmed." jeno said. "haechan said that didn't he?" i asked, they both nodded.


we all spent the day inside the house, watching a movie, eating and just hanging out. i still can't be to confident about this, i feel like there's more to this. and that he's not done yet. i looked at my members one by one, and remembered where the others were..

the chinese line aren't here anymore, mark is set to leave tomorrow to go back to canada for a while, jungwoo is back with his parents, when ten got in to trouble his parents wanted him back to thailand, doyoung stayed with his parents thinking they might get involve as well. lucas also left to go to hongkong and i have a feeling jisung won't be coming back for a while.

i'm just proud that some of them stayed despite of what's happening. and for the ones who left, i know it's for the best. i took a deep breathe and tried to just enjoy this day but something is bothering me and it makes me anxious. i feel like one of them is staring at me right now, but i decided to ignore it and just enjoyed the night.

Day 12

the next day, i decided to calm my mind. i'm making myself believe that the other day was the end, and i will believe its the end.

so to make myself a little better, i cleaned the house while the others were out. i told them to be back before 6pm or before it gets dark. i'm just hoping i wouldn't hear from them that one of them is in the hospital.

as the day passed, i'm currently sitting in the sofa right now. none of them are back yet and its just 5:02 hm. too early, i heard the door open and it revealed the dream members who sent mark to the airport. they went up to changed clothes, "hyung, calm down." jaemin said before going up. "i can't" I whispered to myself.

yuta came with jaehyun, i don't know where they went i'm glad they are back home. taeil hyung went to visit jisung and he just got back now, okay now kun and johnny.


kun and johnny went to the mall to have dinner and figured to have take out for the others. while waiting for their orders, kun went to the bathroom. just in time when kun got back their food has arrived.

they started to eat and talk about things. "so how's the food?" johnny asked, "it's really good, i'm glad i agreed to eat here." kun replied. "told you." johnny said and took a hite of his food. in the middle of their conversation kun started coughing non stop.

"what's wrong?" kun looked at his hand. his eyes widened when he saw blood, his sight started to get blurry, johnny started to cough as well. kun fell from his seat while johnny started to feel faint, the employees went near them and helped kun and johnny. johnny fainted afterwards.

johnny's phone started to ring, and one of the employees took johnny's phone and answered. "the owner of this phone fainted, we're taking them to the hospital now." the employee said, it was taeyong who called.

meanwhile, inside taeyong's house. "i'll go with you." jaehyum suggested which taeyong rejected. "no, stay here with yuta. call me if something happens. taeil hyung come with me." taeyong said. taeil nodded and they both left. when they got to the hospital, "what happened?" taeil asked.

"they were both poisoned, they're very lucky. the poison was not that severe as johnny took very little of it while kun took a lot. we already injected a medicine to them and they'll be fine soon, they just need to get some rest." the doctor said, they both nodded.

taeyong's phone the rang. "hyung i'll just take this." taeyong said and went out.

"how's your one day vacation?"


an; and another update, i'm supposed to publish this the next day but i couldn't leave you guys.

plus i'm a bit okay now, hope you won't get tired of this story and stay until the end
:(( thank you for waiting and for everything really! <3

why am i talking like this is the is end? but speaking of end, it is ending ;)

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