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in a warehouse, taeyong was tied in a chair in front of jaemin. "hyung." jaemin weakly called, taeyong squints his eyes and slowly looked at jaemin, when his vision became clear his eyes widened. he was about to stand up but the ropes tied onto him stopped him from doing so. "jaemin-ah, are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah." jaemin answered almost like a whisper. taeyong tried getting out from the ropes, struggling. he looked around and saw johnny in the corner playing on his phone. "did you even let him eat?" taeyong angrily asked. johnny glanced at taeyong then at jaemin, "yeah, water." jaemin smirked while his head hung low. taeyong struggled to get out of the ropes again.

"it won't budge, that rope is very thick." taeyong looked at where the voice came from meanwhile jaemin was shocked to see him. "jaehyun hyung." he called his eyes not leaving jaehyun's eyes, taeyong stared at jaemin. he knows how jaemin looks up to him, but he turned out to be someone jaemin didn't expect.

"hi jaemin." he said and went near taeyong. jaemin's eyes still following jaehyun, "should we get to story telling? or you'd like to go first?" jaehyun said. taeyong furrowed his eyebrows, "i have nothing to tell." taeyong sternly said. jaehyun chuckled and shook his head.

"oh come on. don't tell me you didn't suspect me? not even once?" taeyong looked away which made jaehyun smile at him. "okay i'll do it for you, where should we start? oh that's right ten." jaehyun said.

"ten and doyoung's was a pretty weak move for me. i haven't had any ideas so i just had to beat ten up and rob doyoung even though he had no stuffs that's worth losing except his wallet and his other gadgets though. then the drem chinese line, that one is a pretty hard, i had to hire this dropouts from the streets to beat them up and yeah i was the one who let them in." jaehyun said and faced taeyong.

"next was lucas, i think. i was really smart at that time though, paying all those guys just to beat lucas and make them blame him for the fight. i mean when it started their i had a huge positive feeling that it might go somewhere successful. then winwin," jaehyun paused and took a deep breathe.

"poor winwin, i actually didn't know what to do with him so i just made it small with him. getting accused is bad but who cares. then taeil, i actually didn't do this one, he did." jaehyun pointed at johnny and winked at him. "sure i was shocked at first but whatever. then haechan, you have to bear with me here dealing with the dreamies was hard. that's why i had to just lower my standards when it comes to them. you know school fights and all that shit."

"are you done?" taeyong asked through gritted teeth. jaehyun laughed, "no, there are like 9 or 10 members to go, where was I? oh, remember when we were in your room i was actually on call with johnny at that time. and then right when i left he called, which i specifically said not to and wait for a good 10 minutes or so." jaehyun and glared at johnny. "but anyways, when jungwoo fell down the stairs i actually told johnny to borrow a jacket from yuta, which yuta on the other hand is dumb enough to use it the same day of the accident."

"what happened next oh that's right mark, johnny was actually hesitant on doing it that's why he used my car on purpose, isn't that right?" jaehyun asked facing johnny, jaehyun smirked and shot johnny on the leg. "you deserve that." jaehyun said. "and then he came to save yuta to the rescue, which by mistake again yuta noticed his shoes but i guess he mever told you this huh?" jaehyun said and faced taeyong playing with taeyong's face with the gun. taeyong tried to shrugged his hand away, "try to move and i'll shoot you." jaehyun whispered. he smirked when taeyong stopped moving.

"where did i left off?" jaehyun faced jaemin. "yuta." jaemin said weakly, he knew that was bad calling his hyung by just his name but he couldn't careless since he wasn't there, or so he thought. yuta and the others are on their way to rescue them, and when they do they'll just wait for taeyong to give a signal.

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