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I trusted my guts and went to the back of the building. I have to admit my heart is beating really fast right now. What if Yuta is the one doing this? As I got at the back, i see no one. Then my phone beeped.

'You're easy to fool, and so does Doyoung' it says on the text. "Shit" i cussed. I ran towards the entrance of the building, saw the guys but Doyoung was not there. I quickly went to the elevator and went to our floor.

I ran to Doyoung's room, and it was a mess. "What happen here?" I asked. Doyoung was just sitting at the edge of the bed, with his head hung low. "I got robbed, hyung" he said. What the hell? Ten getting beat up now Doyoung got robbed. How come nobody saw him?

"Come on down, we'll report this. Everything is gone?" i asked. He nodded "My wallet, all my gadgets except my phone" i heard him sigh. I did the same. We reported what happened. They said they'll do everything they can to bring back Doyoung's stuffs back.

"I doubt they'll find it" He said. I just looked at him and patted his back. We got home afterwards. Why is this happening all of a sudden?

Then I heard a beep on my phone. I went out of the room and looked at the text. I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air. 'Who will I target next?' says on the text. I got angry and called the number. He answered.

"What the f*ck is your problem?" i said. i can feel my hand squeezing my phone. I heard a scoff on the other line. "I have a lot of problem, Taeyong. Be more specific" he said and it made me more angrier.

"One of them is your group, who ruined my life. I've said enough clues for you to find out about me" he said and ended the call before I could even speak. As soon as the call was dropped seconds later I received a text.

'In your dream, who was next?'


an; sorry for not updating, been working on a story for our film fest after that I think i would update more faster that usual :)) thank you for your patience and for loving the story. luv u guys so much ❤

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