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Day 9

"hyung" i slowly opened my eyes and saw mark. i smiled, "hey, how you feeling?" i asked. "drained, but okay." he said. "i'll go get a doctor" i said and he nodded, i went out to go look for the doctor mark was assigned to.

the doctor came and i went to the other room to check on jungwoo. "hey" i called, "i'll be discharged today." he said. "you sure you'll be fine?" i asked, he nodded. "mom's picking me up, she just know that i fell and nobody pushed me. let's keep it that way" he said and i nodded. "you'll be okay alone?" i asked.

"yes, she'll be here soon. thanks, hyung" he said, then i went to mark's room. "mark is doing great but still needs to stay in the hospital for further tests and to get better ofocurse." the doctor said, i said thank you. "i'm off, yuta will be here in a while. i need a shower" i said. "yeah you stink" mark said.

i walked to the dorm. when i was getting near i heard a couple of people shouting, i ran to where it was coming from. wait what? our dorm? i squeezed myself in the crowd and saw yuta on the ground, injured. "hey, what happened?" i asked, trying to help him up. "i was in the bathroom, when i came out someone was going through your stuff." i said.

"it's true, i saw the guy passed by and followed him. but i couldn't find him anymore" johnny said coming inside the room. "when did you got back?" i asked. "awhile ago with kun, what the hell is happening with our group?" johnny said and helped me with yuta.

we sat yuta down. i treat his wounds while johnny told us about what he knew. "how's mark doing?" he asked. "oh yeah, i forgot. i was about to go there." yuta said, "it's fine i can go, want to see mark anyway." johnny said. yuta and i both nodded. i took the first aid kit back to the cabinet while johnny bid goodbye.

i saw yuta's eyes widened. "why?" i asked. "nothing i suddenly remembered the food i was eating downstairs. before all this" he said as he gestured his face with his hand. "well, go take a rest. i need a shower." i said. "yeah you stink" he said and chuckled. "seriously?" he's the second person who told me that.

after showering yuta's sleeping on his bed. suddenly my phone rang, "what?" i whispered. didn't wanna disturb his sleep. "just called to give you a warning" he said. "nothing scares me anymore, give me your best shot." i taunted and i heard him laugh, which i also hear an echo outside. i went outside the room and slowly walked to the direction.

"really? i left a message for you on the microwave, check it out." then he hang up, that stopped me from going to the sound. i went back to the room and looked at the microwave. i almost felt my legs weakened.



an; saw ur comments and u guys are so cute wahhh anyways keep on guessing. i hope X will shock you tho ;))

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