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"what, you installed a camera in my room or somethin'? that's very cheap of you don't you think?" i asked, i heard a chuckle.

"no taeyong, you see if i were you, i wouldn't trust everyone around me. anyway, let's see who's next" he hung up before i could even say something. i threw my phone on the sofa, "hey." someone called, it was yuta.

"yeah, just frustrated. who's with hyung?" taeyong asked. "oh, johnny's with him. taeil hyung wanted me to go home and rest." yuta said, i nodded. i ran my hands through my hair and took my phone. "hey," he called again, i turned. "whatever your thinking, it's not me." yuta said, my eyes widened a bit. i guess he can feel I'm suspecting him.

"don't worry, i know it's not you." i said, i lied. i need to know first if it's him or not. i gave him a smile and went to my room. i lay down and closed my eyes.


Day 7


i got up early to go on a morning jog. when i went out of the building, taeyong hyung was outside. i jogged to his direction, "hyung" i called, he almost jumped when he heard me, i chuckled. i'm currently jogging in place beside him, "morning jog?" he asked, i nodded. "see you later" I said, he nodded "be careful" he said.

i started to jog, usually at this time of the day which is 5:02 am there's not much people around yet. but mostly on weekends a lot of people jog at this hour. right now i see a fee. i turned to go down the stairs i always go to. it's a long way down but this is my kind of exercise.

almost down, someone bumped in to me making me lose my balance. which i didn't, he said 'sorry' afterwards then went away. "that voice sounds familiar" i said to myself. but i ignored it and continued to go down. when i reached the bottom, i jogged my way up again. i'm weird lol.

when i was almost at the top, i saw the same guy from a while ago. our eyes met, i furrowed my eyebrows to see who it was but because of some sunlight i couldn't. the next thing i knew he was in front of me and gave me strong push making me fall all the way down hitting my head on a hard object.

i groaned in pain, i touched my head and saw blood on my hands. my sight started to get blurry, "jungwoo!" i heard someone called but i didn't know who it was when everything turned black.


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