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an; before you go on, sorry for delays. and this is where you get to have a clue who X is, and this will be a long ass ride (i think.)


i ran to the hospital to go check on johnny and kun. i told the others i'd go alone, when i arrived at the hospital, i asked the nurse where they were. when i found them a doctor was checking on them.

"how are they?" i asked. he pulled me far away from them. "well, they are both fine now. but you see, only one of them were poisoned. i'm very much curious why the other one fainted." i furrowed my eyebrows. "what? who, doc?" i asked, we both turned and he pointed. my eyes widened a bit.

"it turns out he fainted because he drank a sleeping pill. a police was at the scene a while ago and told me a crushed pill was put in to his drink. they saw the wrappers on the men's bathroom, he put about 5 of those causing him to lose conscious in a matter of seconds." the doctor said. i nodded, and he left.

why would you do that to yourself? i said to myself while looking at him. i went near them, i ran my hand through my hair and stared at him. you can't be him right? it's impossible, what have i done wrong to you? i sighed and called yuta and asked him if he could look after them for a while, and he agreed. i waited for him to arrive and when he did i went back to the house.

the others are asleep, i went to my room and took a notebook. i wrote the things i feel a bit off ever since this happened.

Day 13

i woke up with jaehyun in front of me, "breakfast hyung." he said. i nodded, i looked at my chest and the notebook was there. i wonder if jaehyun saw what i wrote, i looked at it. "oh," i said to myself. i haven't wrote anything yet.

i closed the notebook and put it on my nightstand then went downstairs to have breakfast with the boys. while eating i suddenly remembered something that can be a clue, i quickly put it on my notes before i forget. what else am i missing?

i finished eating and hurriedly went to my room and wrote what i typed in my notes. that's two of them, what else? i sighed and kept the notebook in a more secure place since i don't want him reading this and thinking i suspect him, which i do.

the day passed by without anything happening although i think i know why. his right hand man is currently in the hospital, guessing he can't make a move without him.

Day 14

i woke up from an afternoon nap, with everybody gone again. i saw a note on the dining table, it says the dream members are taking a stroll and will call if they're in trouble or something. and it doesn't say much about the others, it just says they are out. i sighed.


"why the hell did you use sleeping pills?" he asked. he just heard a chuckle from his partner, "what? you want me to get poisoned as well?" the partner asked, "yes please that would've been more believable. now taeyong is suspecting you." he answered.

"hey look, i have no issues whatsoever with taeyong okay? i'm doing this because i'm bored but i'm not gonna risk my life just so i won't be caught okay?" the partner said. he smirked, "don't forget i can put all the blame on you, cause none of them suspects me, not even taeyong." the partner smirked this time.

"you sure about that?" partner asked, then they heard a yawned and stopped talking.


haechan, jaemin and jeno are just at the park playing basketball. haechan was about to shoot when he felt weird on his stomach, "what's wrong?" jeno asked. "i don't feel good, i'm gonna go talk to nature for a while. i'll be back." he said and ran to the nearest convenience store and asked if he could use their restroom.

jaemin and jeno shook their heads and continued playing. jeno tried stealing the ball from jaemin when he suddenly loses his grip on it making the ball bounce to some boys their age.

there were 4 of them in total. the one near the ball grabbed the ball and smirked at them. "that's ours." jaemin said while panting. "didn't see your name in it." the one holding the ball said. not far from where they were, X was smirking on how good those boys he hired were.

"look we don't want any trouble, just pass us the ball." jeno said. they all started to laugh, jaemin balled his hands in to fists which jeno saw quickly and went in front of him to cover his hand. "you guys are part of that cursed group aren't you?" jeno furrowed his eyebrows.

"what?" jaemin asked. "nct, the cursed group? after what happened to the thai member you guys went downhill from that." then they all laughed again. jaemin stepped forward when jeno stopped him.

"stop." jeno whispered. "you wanna go pretty boy?" the other guy mocked. "look as i said, we don't want trouble. just give us the ball and we'll be-" before jeno could finish the boy holding the ball threw it on jeno's face which made his nose drip blood.

jeno wiped the blood away and smirked. he looked at jaemin and nodded, they stared to go towards the four boys. jeno made the first punch to the guy who threw the ball, jaemin dodged the punch from the boy who mocked him. and a fight started.

haechan went out of the convenience store making X hide. "what the hell?" haechan said to himself and ran to jaemin and jeno. he kicked the guy who was on top if jaemin, jaemin got up and punched the other guy. and the fight goes on..

"haechan! you should go, you're already suspended. this would make it worse." jaemin said while punching and dodging one if the guys. "i know, might as well make the most of it." haechan said and kicked the guy he kicked a while ago.

right when jeno was about to get hit by a wood, a whistle was heard. "oh no." jeno, jaemin and haechan said in unison. the four boys ran away and the three of them were brought to the station.


an; yes i know very very lateee :(( but i wanna thank you guys for being patient and still not giving up on my boring story :(( anyways, updating again later hehe

feel free to correct me on grammars and spellings, hope you enjoyed!

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