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Sorry for not updating yesterday, I think I am going to update on Wednesday's from now on. I hope you enjoy this long chapter. Warning: Feels
(2,295 words)

When I woke up the next morning I felt well rested and excited for school. I haven't been excited for school since kindergarten. I got up, got ready, and headed downstairs. I made myself some toast as I scrolled through Instagram, I clicked on Thomas's account and allowed a blush and a small smile to spread across my face when I saw that he had changed his bio to: Taken ❤️Newt❤️
    After finishing my breakfast, I told my mom goodbye and drove to school. I smiled when I saw that Thomas was waiting for me by the front doors. When he saw me walking towards him, he waved and began walking towards me as well. I was about halfway to him when Gally and his minions stood in front of me. I'm so tired of his bullshit.
"Gally," I began in an annoyed tone, "get out of my wa-" I was cut off when he punched me in the face. I fell to the ground having not expected it and immediately my brain went to some of my worst memories.
"Hey lizard boy!" A kid yelled from behind me. I kept my head down and walked faster, hoping to escape the torment. The kids kept coming and forced me into the stairwell where there was no teachers or cameras.
"W-what do you want?" I stuttered out, terrified.
"We want you gone," the kid who seemed to be in charge of this little gang spoke coldly. Before I could react the kid punched me in the face causing me to fall to the ground in pain. Tears fell down my face as the other members of the group started kicking and punching me. Then a voice yelled something I couldn't comprehend and the kicking and punching stopped. I felt multiple pairs of arms picking me up and before I knew what was happening I was falling down the stairs. I felt pain everywhere as I rolled down the hard, concrete stairs. When I landed at the bottom I passed out from the pain. I woke up in the nurse's office hours later.
I instinctively covered my face and squeezed my eyes shut as I prepared for more hits, but none came. I slowly opened my eyes to see Thomas standing in front of me defensively and Gally on the ground in front of him. Gally's minions looked shocked that their leader had been hit, while Gally just looked pissed off.
"You'll pay for that Thomas," Gally hissed lowly as he got to his feet.
"What's going on here?!" Mr. Smith, Ratman as we call him, yelled getting between Gally and Thomas. Mr. Smith's eyes glanced at me for a split second before returning to Thomas and Gally. "Who threw the first punch?" Ratman asked. Thomas and Gally spoke at the same time, each saying the others name. Gally's minions had run off, so Mr. Smith turned to me.
"Who threw the first punch, Newt?" He asked gently.
"Gally," I answered reaching up to find that my nose was bleeding. Gally glared daggers at me, silently conveying that he would get me for that.
"Thomas take Newton to the nurse," Mr. Smith said, "Gally come with me." Thomas nodded and crouched down in front of me as Ratman and Gally walked away. He reached into his bag and pulled out a package of Kleenex. I gave him a small smile as he handed me a tissue.
"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Are you sure? Newt you're shaking." I realized that I was indeed shaking and a few tears had escaped my eyes during my flashback. I nodded again as he helped me up.
"I'm okay Tommy," I said holding the tissue against my nose, "I just thought of a bad memory when he hit me." Thomas put his arm around me and pulled me into his side as we walked.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked gently, "It looked like it really scared you."
"I'm okay Tommy," I said, "it's in the past." Thomas nodded and we walked the rest of the way to the nurse in silence. The nurse made Thomas leave and then sent me back to class when my nose had stopped bleeding. When I walked into my first class Thomas smiled at me. I sat down in my seat next to him after handing my pass to our teacher. He held up little finger hearts and I laughed quietly before returning them. He smiled brightly and we both tuned in on the lesson.
After the incident with Gally this morning Thomas was hesitant to let me leave his side. He felt a lot better after Mr. Smith found us in the hall and told us Gally had been suspended for three days. We walked to lunch hand-in-hand, earning pleasantly surprised looks from our friends when we got to the table. No one said anything about it until Minho couldn't take it anymore.
"When did you guys get together!?" He practically exploded when he said that cause Thomas and I to laugh.
"Last night," I said. Minho raised his eyebrows suggestively.
"No Minho!" Thomas and I practically yelled. Minho and the rest of the table burst out laughing as Thomas and I sat there blushing.
"That's great guys," Frypan said when the group had finally calmed down.
"Yeah," Minho exclaimed slamming his hand on the table, "it's about time!" I jumped when he did that and it didn't go unnoticed.
"You okay Newt?" Frypan asked.
"Yeah," I said, "I'm okay."
"We had a nasty run in with Gally and his minions this morning," Thomas said. I could see the fury in Minho's eyes.
"What did he do?" Winston asked curiously. Thomas looked at me, silently asking if I wanted to tell them, but I shook my head and laid it on his shoulder as he intertwined our fingers under the table.
"He punched Newt in the face," Thomas answered.
"What!?" The group yelled in unison. I flinched at the loudness.
"I'm gonna kill that shuckface!" Minho exclaimed.
"It's okay Min," I said softly, "he's suspended." Minho didn't look entirely convinced that everything was fine, but he calmed down and we all spent the rest of lunch talking about happier subjects.
       When lunch ended, Thomas, Minho, and I walked to our classes together. Thomas took my hand as we walked making me smile.
"So," Thomas began, "do you guys want to come over and watch the third Thor movie with me tonight? It just came on Netflix and I've been dying to watch it!"
"Ragnorok?" I asked. Thomas nodded eagerly. He's so cute when he's excited. "Yeah," I replied, "it looks awesome."
"You just like Loki," Minho said mockingly. I blushed in embarrassment as Thomas's mouth fell open in shock.
"What does Loki have that I don't!?" Thomas exclaimed.
"Magic, brains, cool hair," Minho listed, "should I continue?" Thomas pouted as Minho and I laughed.
"Don't worry love," I said, "I like you more."

Time Skip to After School at Thomas's house
     Ben and I had been playing Mario Cart for the past two hours to pass the time before our boyfriends came over. Before we knew it it was already 6:00pm and the doorbell rang. I jumped up, already knowing it was Newt, and ran downstairs to open the door.
"Newtie!" I exclaimed opening the door. He laughed.
"How'd you know it was me?" He asked.
"You're always right on time and Minho just walks right in," I explained quickly. He laughed as I took his hands and pulled him inside, kicking the door shut behind us. I pulled him into my arms and smiled down at him before connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. He smiled into the kiss making me smile as I pulled away only to kiss him again.
"Ewww get a room," Ben said throwing a pillow at us. Newt and I laughed throwing the pillow back at him.
"Alright then," Newt said, "no kissing Minho then." Ben opened his mouth and gasped dramatically putting his hand on his chest.
"But Newt!" He exclaimed amping up the drama, "How could you be so cruel!" Newt laughed at his little show and I rolled my eyes.
"Sup shuckers!" Minho yelled walking into my house.
"Minho!" Ben yelled. Newt hid his face in my shoulder and I rubbed his back soothingly.
"You okay?" I asked, I felt him nod against my shoulder before he stood up straight again.
"Boys! Teresa!" My mom called, "Dinner is ready!"
"Yay food!" Minho said excitedly making his way to the kitchen with Ben at his heals. I laughed and took Newt's hand leading him to the kitchen.
      After dinner my mom and Teresa went up to their rooms leaving the four of us to watch the movie in the living room. I made popcorn and handed out sodas as the others got settled on the couch. Minho sat on one end with his arm around Ben as Newt and I sat on the other. I put the movie on then sat down next to Newt and put my arm around him as he pulled his legs onto the couch and put his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile and pull him closer.
       We laughed a lot throughout the movie and we all loved it. When it was over we decided to watch another movie. Some horror movie Minho had been wanting to see.
"I hate horror movies," Newt muttered as Minho turned it on.
"It's okay, Newt," Minho said, "you have Thomas to protect you." Newt flipped him off for that.
During the movie I learned a few things. First, Newt jumping at every jump scare was the cutest thing in the world because he would cuddle closer to me every time. Second, he would hide his face in my chest during the creepy or gory parts and I would have to tell him when it was over. Even I flinched at some of the stuff in this weird movie. Ben and Minho really were a match made in Heaven because they just laughed the whole time instead of being scared.
"Oh girl don't go down there!" Minho warned the character walking downstairs.
"She's gonna die," Ben stated with a shake of his head. Newt let out a quiet whimper that I think I was the only one who heard.
"You okay?" I whispered forcing him to look at me and not the screen as the character let out a scream and Minho and Ben yelled "called it" as they high-fived. Newt nodded as an answer to my question but he looked on the verge of tears. I stood up quietly, pulling him up with me by the hand as I lead him into the kitchen. Once we were in the kitchen I sat him down on a chair and pulled one out for me and sat facing him. He was looking at the ground in shame, so I took his hands in mine.
"Newt," I began softly, he looked up at me and I saw the tears falling down his face, "what's wrong love?" He shook his head.
"It's stupid..." He answered in a whisper.
"Whatever it is isn't stupid if it's making you this upset," I replied keeping the hushed and gentle tone. Newt stayed silent. "You know you can tell me anything right?" I asked, bringing my hand to his face and wiping his tears away with my thumb. He nodded.
Trigger Warning: Abuse
"When that one character was being b-beaten by h-her d-d-dad, it reminded me of what m-my dad used to do to m-me." Newt stuttered through his words, which was the first sign that this was bad, but I let what he just said sink in. I thought back to that scene. The girl's father had punched, kicked, scratched, thrown beer bottles at her, and even used a knife to "teach her a lesson."
Abuse over
"Newt..." his name hung in the air as I had no idea what to do. "What can I do to help?"
"H-hold me," he stuttered. I didn't hesitate to lean forward and hug him. I moved him onto my lap and held him tightly as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.
"I've got you," I whispered as I traced circles on his back, "I won't let anyone hurt you. You're safe." I could feel his tears on my neck and he was shaking, so I just pulled him closer, whispering reassuring things into his ear and rubbing his back soothingly until he began to calm down.
"Tommy," he said as pulled his head off my shoulder to look at me, "why do you like me? I'm ugly and pathetic and worthless and you deserve so much better."
"Newt," I said, "you are none of those things." I paused. "I like you because you are sweet, kind, smart, you're beautiful inside and out, and you are so brave." He looked at me wiping some of his tears away. "If anything, it's you who deserves better." He shook his head.
"No one is better than you Tommy." I knew that wasn't true, but I didn't say that, instead, I gently took his face in my hands and kissed him softly. He kissed my back with a gentle passion. The kiss was long and meaningful, and when we parted we leaned our foreheads together.
"Tommy," Newt began quietly, "I think I love you."

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