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I apologize for missing an update yesterday, please accept this happier chapter as an apology!

Three Weeks Later
Ding dong.
"Teresa! Can you get that!" I yelled from my room where Newt, Minho, and I were currently having an insane Mario Cart competition. Minho was in 1st, Newt 2nd, and me 15th. Yes, I am horrible at Mario Cart.
"Watch out Newt," I said launching my newest prize, "I just sent a blue shell for Minho!"
"NO YOU SHUCKFACE!" Minho yelled as it blew him up and Newt crossed the finish line in first place.
"Ha!" Newt exclaimed jumping up, "Look who's the Mario Cart champion now!"
"I would have won if Thomas didn't help you," Minho grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like a 2 year old.
"Awww," I mocked in a baby voice after finishing in 10th place, "is someone mad cause they got 4th instead of 1st?"
"It's okay Min Min," Newt joined in, "we'll still be your friends."
"I hate both of you," Minho grumbled looking between the two of us. Newt and I laughed and high fived. Since that night three weeks ago Newt and I have become a lot closer, and I try to make him happy whenever I get the chance. Newt and I told Minho that we had told each other about our pasts; and Minho was glad he didn't have to worry about accidentally saying something to one of us that the other didn't want us to know.
"Thomas!" Teresa called from downstairs, "Brenda's here to see you!"
"Send her up!" Yelled back. I noticed Newt flinch a little at the loudness. "Sorry Newt," I apologized quickly, "I always forget."
"And I always tell you," Newt replied, "It's okay! Do you really think Minho is capable of going a day without yelling? He's a very loud person." Minho laughed.
"The shank's got a point," he said, "but if you start yelling at him, then we'll have a problem." Minho's voice took on a warning tone there at the end and he rolled up his sleeves as if he was gonna fight me. The three of us stared at each other seriously for all of about 15 seconds before we burst out laughing. Minho laid back into the beanbag he was sitting on as he laughed; Newt, who was standing, doubled over laughing; and I, well, I was sitting on the edge of my bed until I fell off. Which only made us laugh harder.
       When we eventually calmed down we noticed Brenda standing in the doorway watching.
"Oh hey Brenda!" I said standing up.
"Hi," she laughed walking into the room and sitting down on a beanbag next to Minho. "Hi Newt, hi Minho."
"Hey," Newt replied.
"Sup," Minho greeted with a head nod.
"Oooo Mario Cart! I wanna play!" Brenda exclaimed grabbing my controller.
"Here Tommy," Newt said holding his out to me.
"No it's okay Newt, you can play." I said refusing to take it. He didn't back down.
"Take it Tommy," Newt said, "you could use the practice." I sighed in defeat giving him a look.
"Fine," I replied taking the controller. Newt smiled, but it didn't hold as much happiness as it had earlier. This sort of thing has happened before, we'll all be smiling and laughing and then Newt just isn't as happy as the rest of us anymore. I know he can't help it, it's not his fault he has depression, I just wish I could keep him genuinely happy all the time.
We were off, me starting slightly ahead because I was using Newt's controller and he won the last race. Brenda and Minho are aggressive, let me tell you that. They were battling for second place, me somehow staying in the lead, by elbowing each other and ramming their cars into each other. We were on the last lap, I was still in first but Minho and Brenda weren't far behind.
"Go Tommy Go!" Newt yelled as Minho tried to catch me.
"Get back here slinthead!" Minho yelled.
"Oh I've got you now Minho!" Brenda exclaimed throwing a shell at Minho and passing him when it hit. I was almost to the finish line.
"Now your turn Thomas!" Brenda said throwing the shell.
"Nooooo!!" Newt and I yelled at the same time. I crossed the finish line right as the shell hit me, keeping me in first place.
"Yes!" Newt exclaimed, "Tommy you did it!"
"Oh my God I won!" I said in shock. Minho laughed coming in, in third.
"He hasn't beaten anyone in Mario Cart since since Clint and Jeff back in New York!" Minho exclaimed. After we all had a good laugh I realized I didn't know why Brenda was here.
"Oh," I said, "Brenda, I forgot to ask why you came." She laughed.
"I forgot for a minute too," she replied smiling, "I was wondering if you would go to the end of year dance with me." I have to say I was a little shocked.
"Oh. Umm," I started at a loss for words, "like as your date or as friends?" I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I don't want to go as her date.
"Friends!" She said quickly, "As Friends! Sorry I should've led with that." We laughed.
"Okay," I said, "sounds fun." She smiled.
"Awesome! We can discuss the details later," Brenda said before she kissed Thomas's cheek and walked out.
"Later guys!" She called from downstairs.
"Bye!" The three of us called after her.
After Brenda left, Minho and Newt stared at me.
"What?" I asked. Minho and Newt looked at each other and started laughing.
"Nice work Romeo," Minho said while Newt laughed.
"No offense Tommy," Newt began after catching his breath from laughing, "but I really hope you are better at asking people out than you are at being asked out." The two of them broke out into another fit of laughter.
"Yeah yeah," I responded with an eye roll, "laugh it up. Man I hate being the only single one out of the three of us."
"Then find someone!" Minho yelled. I looked at Newt who shook his head with a smile on his lips. I have, I just can't be with him. I rolled my eyes again.
"What about you guys?" I asked trying to get the attention away from me. "Have you asked Ben yet, Minho? Newt, what about you and eyebrows? I mean Gally." Minho and Newt laughed at that.
"I assume we are going together," Newt said, "if he even wants to go that is." Newt rolled his eyes, "Seriously, he hasn't spoken to me in days, he's probably off screwing some girl." Newt crossed his arms over his chest and glared at a spot on the floor. I was about to speak when Minho's phone rang. He picked it up off the bed and smiled. Newt and I looked at each other,
"It's Ben," we said at the same time. Minho answered the FaceTime call.
"Hey Ben!" Minho said happily.
"Hey Min!" Ben said through the phone. "Where are you?" He asked, "That doesn't look like your room."
"I'm at Thomas's house," Minho said as he flipped the camera to me and Newt, "there they are."
"Hey guys!" Ben said.
"Hey man!" I exclaimed.
"Hey," Newt said a little quieter as the two of us walked behind Minho so he could see us all at the same time.
"You okay Newt?" Ben asked, "You don't seem as happy as you were when I last saw you."
"I'm fine," Newt said, "just tired." Minho and I shared a look knowing that wasn't the truth.
"So Ben," Minho said, "There's an end of the year dance a few days after you get here for the summer. Would you want to go with me?"
"Duh!" Ben said with a laugh, "I'm your boyfriend! Did you really think I was gonna day no?" Minho laughed as well.
"No," he said, "but I still had to ask."
"What about you two shanks? You have dates?" Ben asked me and Newt. Newt shrugged,
"Good bloody question," he said. Ben looked confused.
"His boyfriend is being an ass," Minho said.
"His boyfriend is always an ass," I added.
"Not all the time..." Newt mumbled.
"That sucks man," Ben said, "I hope he comes around."
"Thanks," Newt said with a sad smile, "me too."
"What about you Thomas?"
"Actually," I said, "my friend Brenda asked me to go with her as friends today!"
"Awesome man!" Ben exclaimed, "I was afraid Minho and I would have to take turns dancing with you." The four of them laughed.
"I bet Newt wouldn't mind taking a turn," Minho said wiggling his eyebrows. I felt my face get hot, I probably look as red as a tomato! I looked over to see Newt's face had also gone red as he punched Minho lightly in the arm.
"I ship it," Ben said watching us.
"I should get home," Minho said, "I'll see you guys later."
"Bye Minho," Newt and I said.
Bye Ben!" I said as Newt waved and Minho walked out.
"I should probably get going soon too," Newt said.
"Awww," I complained, "Do you have too?" He laughed.
"Unfortunately yes Tommy," he replied with a small smile. Shit, I just realized. I can't dance.
"Newt," I said, "I don't know how to slow dance." He looked at me with a "seriously?" look.
"If you are free after school Thursday, I can teach you then. You can practice Friday and be ready for the dance on Saturday." He said.
"Yes!" I said excitedly giving him a hug, "Thanks Newt! You're the best!" Newt laughed.
"I know."

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