my saviour

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Tamia's P.O.V

i ran not looking back tears running down my cheek. My arm bleeding from when i ripped the tubes out of my body.

I was in pain. I knew where i was going, i was going north to the gymnasium i found one day when i was jogging and i met a guy there who taught me some moves.

when i got inside it was empty and i saw him Jones.

" hey Jones " i shouted

" omg wat the heck happened to you, come here lets get you cleaned up then we can practise some moves." he exclaimed

after cleaning me up i told him what had happened and he offered to le me stay at his house which was 2 miles away.

" okay since you are better lets get practising on your land after backflip and 3/4 cartwheel." he said

i watched him do it and then it was my go i did my backflip and when i did the 3/4 cartwheel i twisted my ankel and gave out a loud yelp.

" oh shit come on you can rest i will put ice on it," he layed me down on the mat and ran to get some ice.when he came back he put it on my ankel and we started talking about things we like doing.

soon we heard a bang on the door " its open " Jones said while rubbing my ankle with ice.

" hey i was wondering .......Tamia" the voice said  

i looked up and saw Adien . oh shit.

" oh Tamia we all missed you come on lets go " Adien said

" No" i shouthed " i told not to come after me why cant anyone listen to me it is always what everyone thinks is best well what about what i want ," i screamed

" i will listen to you after you follow me to the car" he said gently

" i am going home with Jones" i said pointing to him noticing him looking down rubbing my ankel.

" dont touch her" he shouted

" i am just helping her" Jones agured

" come on Tamia my mum is worried and Andrew is in tear" he said persuasivley

" but i told you not to come you just dont understand, my dad is after me and so is George i am putting your family in danger i am just staying at Jones house for 2 days then i am going too live in a protection camp" i said looking down

" well if that is what you want i will leave i am going to miss you so much " Adien said leaving

What have i done i then started crying.

Then Adien just ran back in " i cant let you go i love you and we can hire bodyguys to protect you just come with me please" he said

I looked at Jones who just nodded at motioned for me to go with him.

Jones helped me get up and led me to Adien who picked me up bridal side and gave Jones a nod.

he led me to the car and i ended up falling asleep  


when i woke up i was feeling so much better and i was snuggled up into something i opened my eyes and saw Adien fast asleep so i sleapt back again                            

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