Chapter Ten

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Alright! So, um, this is a very choppy chapter. Not one of my better works. But hey! It's here.  

The fight is raging. Concern for his mentor is enough to keep him at bay, staying right where he was left. Midoriya stands a good distance away from them, away from his classmates and away from the villains and his mentor. They're too busy with their own things so they're too busy to notice him. Taking this opportunity, he takes a small breath. "Death?" Midoriya whispers as he glances off to the side. He is worried and it shows on his face as he puts on the glasses that the Grim Reaper handed him. 

  "Be care-ful. Every-thing will . . . al-right."

  "What happened? I blacked out after I laughed."

  "No-thing to wo-rry." Death may or may not have taken over his Champion's body, and it's best that he doesn't know that. No need to scare the young boy any more than he needs to be at the moment. Death is caring, but Death is also greedy. That is how they are seen. This boy was given to them by Fate and Life; they shall not let the two down by corrupting him. Death will not make the same mistake as they did fifteen years ago. They will shield him the best they can. Death placed a bony finger to the side of Midoriya's temple and helps his eye heal a little faster.

After that, Izuku searches for his mentor who now is fighting the Nomu with the help of Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima. Todoroki had frozen its arm from where it held All Might and when Kurogiri closed the warp, it cut it off. Regeneration quirk. Nullification quirk. Jesus fucking Christ, this thing is essentially designed to defeat All Might. Punch after punch, it slowly starts to affect the monster and finally, he is able to punch it into oblivion. By the time Midoriya gets there, Shigaraki is throwing a fit at the same time as the heroes-in-training surround him. Izuku is tired of this villain. He is done with him and so, he licks his chapped lips with a small, soft hum.

Bakugou, who is beside him, glances towards the shitty nerd. If what he learned from that exercise, he knows what the humming means. He knows and is grinning (he won't admit it, but he can't wait for Izuku to scare the shit out of this guy). He stands at the ready once his childhood shadow starts speaking, "You do remember what I told you, right Shigaraki? You only wasted your time here." Then, that fucking grin returns as his grip on the scythe tightens. This earns a few looks from the few who are there. "Everything would've been better if you did your homework, but no, you're a child. You think everything will go your own way, but here's the harsh reality, nothing will be handed to you. And I will gladly watch as your world of ignorance burns to ashes, collapsing around you." He stares down the villain, who screams in frustration and moves forward with his hand out and reaching towards the hero. Noticing it, Midoriya uses One for All to propel him forward to stop it. He never makes it, for he tumbles to the ground when a gunshot rings through the air and blood splatters his face. The villain's hand has been shot followed by three more places before the remaining villains make their escape with their injured leader. Dang it, if only I was faster.

Two broken legs (needs to work on his quirk), a few scratches here and there, and a broken finger. That's all the injuries he has by the time everything is over. His eye is now fully healed but the dried blood brings on concern to a few of the officials that are there and he's asked to remove his sunglasses. The villains that are still awake are being rounded up and are arrested. Some of them muttering, eyes wide as they stare at things no one can see. No one but the person who forced it upon them. They'll stop seeing it soon. I'm surprised that it didn't affect Shigaraki as much. Other than his two teachers and himself, no one else is injured. That's all good.

  While he is on the ambulance being checked over by a paramedic, he's approached by none other than Detective Tsukauchi. "Hello," the older man greets. He nods and thanks the paramedic for her help while asking if they can have a minute alone.

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