Chapter Twenty

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Guys, my tumblr name changed. It's now melancholic-lotus13 like my username on here. If you guys want to, please send in Fanart. I really want to see what people see in this story. Please, I really want to see what your works.

Bakugou scowls when the guys make fun of his hair that the Best Jeanist "fixed". He shouts at them and the fierce anger causes it to stand-to go back the way it was. That sends his shitty classmates into another round of hysterics. He growls and turns his attention to the shitty nerd who's wearing those stupid sunglasses of his again, smiling brightly at his shitty friends. Just who the hell does that nerd think he is? Bakugou knows that there's something else about him. He knows of the shitty nerd's strange hobby of reading old murder cases and the idiotic ramblings of death. He's just a psychopath. He's lying and manipulating them. No way he will become a hero. Psychos aren't heroes. Once they find out that he really is a psycho and that I'm not lying, they'll turn their backs.

  His eyes are drawn to the nerd's left side. It takes him a second to realize that he's holding it with a tight grasp-his jaw is clenched as he speaks with the half-and-half bastard and shitty four eyes. Since when did the two idiots hang around with that bastard? He scowls deeply as he stares at the trio. The two of them show concern for the shitty nerd, glancing at his side and asking him something yet Katsuki knows it's if he is fine. Tch, shitty Deku wouldn't ever tell anyone he's hurt in his life. Yet, what the hell happened to him?

  "To your seats everyone," drawls Aizawa-sensei as he strides into the classroom with a bored gaze. His usual demeanor is there but it holds an undertone that the explosive quirk user can't place a finger on. The shuffling of clothing is the only sound in the now quiet classroom.

  Bakugou scowls and makes his way to his desk, roughly bumping into Izuku's side. He ignores the hitching of his breath as he take a seat, glaring at the surface of the desk. He misses the glares that are directed his way from two of the guys. Aizawa had watched the interaction with a faint shake his head, not understanding what the heck is up with Midoriya and not telling people needed information about himself. If anything, Shouta can see that Bakugou really isn't in the mood and Midoriya gracing him with his presence, it doesn't seem to help the issue.

  Shouta sighs and starts up his lesson about the law and about the consequences about acting and using their quirks without a license or without permission. He is mad, impressed, and worried. His eyes cut throughout the class, lingering on three troublemakers. "If I hear that one of you try something like this, I'm expelling you. I do not care of what the scenario is, leave it to the pros."

  Midoriya just turns his head away to look out the window, his hand ghosting over his side. Todoroki's gaze falls onto his desk. Iida stares at his hands, not feeling ashamed or even guilty. The three of them thinking along the lines, I will break my bones as long as it is me who gets hurt. No matter what, I will protect whoever I can even if it gets as far as to break the law. I apologize Aizawa-sensei, but if it's a must, expel me in the future.

* * *

All Might decides to take the class to the training grounds. He quickly explains the situation, a group will be sent to the farthest side of the course and whoever gets to the center-the base-first, well there isn't anything in rewards. He just want to see how much they've progressed in the week of their internships. He can't wait to see how Young Midoriya is faring with One For All. He seemed to be really happy with Gran Torino-seriously how is that kid not afraid of him? His sunken eyes scan the group, they're all heroes in the making-they will become the greatest heroes of their generation. He can already see it. His gaze lingers on Young Midoriya and he sees how he favors his left side a bit-making sure that no one touches it or gets near it-and that jogs Yagi's memory on what had happened. The surgery that his successor had undergone the week prior. His hand ghosts his own side where the wound lays-hoping his successor does not ever get something as terrible as this. It may be good for him to rest and not push himself to do this if it is still fresh. No, Young Midoriya should not do that. He needs to heal. "Young Midoriya, you do not have to do this exercise if you are not up to it. It is okay for you to not participate in this."

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