Chapter Thirty-One

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Alright, so, this chapter is somewhat filler for the first part and then somewhat important the other half. I have an outtake for this chapter, so have fun with that.

The class has a sleepover, speaking happily with one another while Midoriya texts his mom like he had promised. Shouta and Kan are speaking to each other in hush voices ignoring the rowdy bunch. One person isn't there which is Mineta who was put in a different room. Mineta and Midoriya aren't allowed to be five feet apart from each other. So Mineta is alone in another room doing who knows what. Midoriya is surrounded by people wondering when he can finally disappear and never have to be bothered while being warm in a cover. To pass the night, they tell ghost stories, trying to scare each other.

  "Hey, Deku, do you have any scary stories?" Uraraka tilts her head to the side with a tired smile on her face. The entire time he has been on his phone, glancing up every now and then making a sarcastic comment or just to show that he is listening. She wants to know how scary this cheeky, sweet, and awkward child can be when he wants to be.

  "Please, Deku would probably say how he broke one of hero figurines."

  Midoriya hums as he drums his fingers on his thigh. "I don't know, Uraraka. Any horror stories that I know have actually happened. I think one of the scariest experiences is the whole homicide case that Mandalay mentioned."

Aizawa doesn't try to stop him since the two aren't on speaking terms, so if he wants to scar his friends forever then so be it. The few people nod and glance at each other. "I mean, it's quite famous, so I don't see why you'd tell us about it."

A dark smile comes to his face as he sits up, crisscrossing his legs. "Well, from what I've read, this isn't the first time something like that had happened. This happen about twenty years ago, so I don't think any of you have heard about it. The Mountain Killer. Stupid name, but this killer was ruthless, probably one of the hardest serial killers to have been caught. This killer, she puts the Crimson Artist to shame."

"Crimson . . . Artist? They're the Musutafu killer, right?" asks a meek Hagakure. She gets a nod from Midoriya and curls up against Ojiro. "I heard that they're brutal. They torture their victims, right?"

Midoriya hums in affirmation. "Mutilates them to the point that all you see is their organs, bones, basically whatever is hidden underneath the flesh. Her tortures are bad, but nothing like the Mountain Killer's." He tilts his head to the side. "Want me to tell you or are you good?"

"You can tell us, but keep the details on the corpses at a minimum." Aoyama pushes his hand through his hair, not wanting to listen to such a horrid and revolting description of the dead.

"Stop being such wimps! You're asking Deku to keep details short. That won't happen," grumbles Katsuki, huffing and crossing his arms. "Just get on with it, shitty nerd!"

Izuku rolls his eyes and takes his sunglasses off, letting his toxic gaze slide from one classmate to another. "Okay, so twenty years ago, on this very mountain, people—hikers, campers, and rangers mostly—would go missing. Most have never been found and some people are still discovering skeletons each time they head in." He hums as he shifts, leaning against Iida. "In the reports, it said the first victim was a baby boy. Barely six months old. The family had gone on a camping trip in the mountain, needing to get away from the city and get their two daughters out since they spend too much time indoors."

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