Chapter Twenty-Four

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"The Devil's Prison" is my own work. It is not an actual poem nor a story. I wrote it for this chapter. Um, people have figured out her identity and I am very proud of them! I will reveal the identity soon, and I promise it will be soon. I just don't know how long it'll take. Maybe after the hideout raid arc or maybe a little before the training camp arc. It should be one of those. Um, please do not fret. 

Devil, Devil casted out of heaven and cursed to never fly.
Do thou see the green grass and the blue sky?
The pastels and the dark purples at dusk?
The silver that speckles around the moon at night?
Where have thee gone?
With thy eyes as dark as coal, mind open
Why must thou be punished?

Thrown out and belittle, stuck alone on a hill till dawn.
Fire raging and pain—no, do not come, my love.
For wings once as white as a dove;
Now, charred, useless, and broken
for havin' outspoken.
Betrayed by my brethren and father, I must never be accepted nor freed.

—excerpt from The Devil's Prison
Author: L.F. Garcia

I pass by people, ignoring their existence. I wish to never have been here. Cursed to watch these pathetic insects chase each other and murder until the end of my days. Why else would they feel the fierce punishment from my hand and my hand only? These insects need to be killed. They have no reason to be here. Those damned people casted me out for the way I am! They chose these cockroaches over me! I chose to have a free mind and I was thrown aside like Sunday's garbage. Why? No, it does not matter. I do not care for the reason anymore. I will get my revenge on them, even if it means I get to exterminate these pathetic things as I reach towards my goal!

Of course, I feel obligated to clear things up. I was never a bad person. I mean, I never once believed that I was a bad person. I always did what I was told by my parents when I was young. They don't seem to understand that I did it to make them happy. I mean, I had let my youth rot away from doing everything I could to please them! So when I moved away from them and gained a mentor, I did not do anything wrong! I followed orders and made sure I didn't make a mistake, so why was I thrown aside once again? Why am I the bad guy? I never did anything wrong! How many times do I have to say that? I was always the good little girl who made sure everyone was happy! Why did I get the short end of the stick? What did I do to deserve this? Just because I have a different view from my mentor and their friends? I was supposed to be loved, supposed to be trusted, yet it just seems like I'm Lucifer being casted out of Heaven for my views and beliefs. I sit on a hill surrounded by fire and listen to the wailing of the tortured sinners around me. Those white, majestic wings that one could be proud of are now charred and broken, decayed from the fires and hate they've received.

I was once naive—ignorant to the ugly truth around me—and when my views on humans changed, I could not stay that ignorant girl that they asked. I had to do something or else I was going to be left watching as everything went to Hell. The years I've spent watching these pathetic humans whore and kill and cheat and do things against their little religion yet look down on the others that don't do the same—the hypocrisy have shaped my beliefs, and because I have a different perspective than everyone else I was thrown out! This Earth—no! the people are pests, infecting and polluting this beautiful world. Oh and it gets better too! People with quirks, they're the worst thing ever to have happened. I admire their idiocy. It's admirable how bullheaded people can be. I was once again casted aside for my lack of a "quirk" and I knew for a fact, that it does not matter if one has a quirk or not—they're nothing. Useless humans that should bow down to me. I have power! I have harnessed it, trained it, and able to do things unimaginable with it.

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