Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Okay so this is weirdly written. It makes somewhat sense but the way I have it written is odd. I don't know why, but it's weird to me. I apologize for having updated so late. I tried to make this as long as I could while keeping with Izuku's plan.

Death is standing beside Sloth and Fate, watching their Champion's friends talking. They know that they needed to be stopped if they didn't want their child's plan to be ruined. Sloth glances over at Death with red, tired eyes. He really doesn't like questioning the embodiment of death itself, but he really needs to know just exactly if the plan will even work or they're only going to have another incident with Death's Champion. They don't need another corrupted child of Death. "You think this will work?" he inquires in a monotonous tone.

"If . . . it does-n't, we'll . . . wait . . . see what Izu-ku de-cides on . . . how to act." They glance over at Fate who shrugs and leaves them.

The being with dark circles under his eyes shakes his head, pale azure hair falling into his face. "Why must he be such a pain?"

"—asked . . . the same ques-tion, Sloth."

Beetle's in the same hospital as the students of U.A, trying to pick the right moment to intervene on their idiocy. Finally, he decides it doesn't matter and walks into the room with his sharp, pearly teeth flashing at them. The stench of sulfur and death fills the room and the few that had been there with Midoriya remembers the smell. They turn to the source and find the man behind it. "Who are you?" questions Todoroki with an icy glare.

Beetle grins even more, opening his mouth. "My name's Beetle. I'm a friend of Izuku's." He enjoys the reaction he gets from the children. The shudders that run through them, the fear that is held in those eyes.

"Deku never mentioned you," says Uraraka. Her eyes narrow as she stares at him with suspicion.

"Oh, come now, Uraraka. Izu has spoken highly of you, don't tarnish my image of you. I just came tell you that if you plan on going through with your little plan, I'll be going to tell Tsukauchi and Izu." He crosses further into the room and sits on the edge of the bed. He crosses his legs and smiles. The thing that is frustrating them is how casual he is, like this only a casual meeting among friends gossiping about other people's love lives or even just reincounting funny memories.

  "You're going to tell Deku? How?"

  "I can sneak in and out without people knowing I'm there."

  It's quiet for a few seconds until Todoroki punches the wall beside him, earning flinches from the four others. The only emotion that shows in his heterochromic eyes is rage, his voice iced with disbelief. "Then why aren't you bringing them here?"

  He tilts his head at the sudden outburst that's quite out of characteristic of Todoroki. The dual quirk user cares for them. He felt useless when they had been taken. He was right there and let them slip through his fingers. He should've done something. Beetle grins, knowing that that is his train of thought. "I'm acting on orders. Izuku won't let me help them. This is my mission and you will not ruin it. If Izuku finds out, he will alert the villains."

  "Why would he do that?"

"He has a plan," Iida speaks up. If it means that my classmates won't go and endanger themselves, then I'll have to trust Midoriya on this. They all fall silent and stare between the two, waiting for confirmation. The Human Ghoul nods, affirming the comment. "He isn't lying guys. He will tell Midoriya and knowing him, he will make sure his plan won't be stopped even if it means endangering Bakugou and himself."

"Wait!" calls Uraraka at the Ghoul who is about to leave. He turns his head a little to indicate his attention. "Deku—Toga Himiko said that he made a contract with Shigaraki. Something about it—do you know anything?"

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