Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Okay. This is rushed. I really am so stressed right now I had a five minute breakdown after a whole year of not crying. I have to do an online class and I hate online classes cause I have nothing—no teacher to talk to face to face—and it's terrifying. I cannot do online classes and i have no money for the books I need. Anyway, this chapter—I apologize for the lateness.

A storm blows into the city. An eerie warning as the earth knows just how bad the future shall become. The morning is full of the pitter-patter of rain hitting the rooftop and wind howling with sorrow and loneliness. To Life, it sounds of a violin being played for a dark waltz. The composer full of despair graciously moves their fingers and the bow being run over the strings, creating a melancholic yet beautiful melody. Life sighs as she has to watch the ordeal happen between the villains and the two heroes. She looks on with sympathy, knowing that this is all going to be repeated elsewhere. No matter how many millennia she lives, she see the same pattern. Everything happens the same whether to one person or another.

  Midoriya wakes up to being alone. Bakugou is nowhere in sight. Where is he? he thinks. No one else is in there from what he can see. He struggles against the handcuffs to no avail. Once again, he glances around looking for someone. This time, he finds Shigaraki leaning against the wall and staring at him with a smirk on his face. "Where is he?" he inquires.

  "Talking to my Sensei. I overheard your little conversation last night." He grins even more when he sees the flash of panic. The feeling of euphoria passes through the villain's body as he knows that they'll be quite triumphant in the end. All they need is to have them turn on each other. "Oh, don't worry yourself, Izuku." He pats the curly mass of green. "Just know if you join us you can make him pay for all of the things he's done to you. After all, what kind of hero tells someone to kill themselves?"

  Izuku doesn't say anything, fighting the urge to smile and laugh. Is—is he trying to manipulate me? This is going to be fun then. He closes his eyes, hoping that this isn't real, that this part specifically is only a dream. But nope. He can't help but find it a little worrisome at the way he can make the offer so so tempting especially since Izuku isn't one to be manipulated all that easily. This guy is being only a puppet, not the puppeteer. Knowing this, he decides to play along. "You—you really think that?"

  The corners of his lip twitches in an almost mocking smile. "Of course. You won't have to deal with that insolent boy anymore if you just join us. You can always get revenge!"

  "I—I . . . " he shakes his head. Two can play at this game, Tomura. Don't think I'm that easy. "No. You're only trying to get into my head. There's no way I'm ever going to become a villain. It doesn't matter what happened—"

  "But it does," he interjects, forcing himself to not get mad. Time and patience. That's all he needs for this stupid brat. He saw it, he almost broke his resolve. He wants to join them, he wants to have them pay for hurting him. They screwed up. The heroes screwed up and now, now, Tomura has the child in his hands. He leans forward, gently grabbing his chin and meeting his eyes. "If it didn't matter, then why did you bring it up in the first place?"

  Izuku stays silent, turning away from the crazy male. He isn't going to give him any answers because there is no way that he's dumb enough to actually let him get into his head. Of course, he still needs to put up that act. He has to give him what he wants, but not yet. No, it'll be way too suspicious if it's too early. He has to wait for the right moment. It's coming. He can feel it. Sometime today. They fall into a silence that most wouldn't find comfortable in Midoriya's position. He continues to steal glances before stopping all together. He waits for Bakugou to return but it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. "You want to know about my connection with Death?" he finally asks.

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