Chapter Twenty-One

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I started Supernatural last Sunday and well, I kind of made a revelation on Monday. Tsukauchi Naomasa looks like Misha Collins/Castiel. I don't know. I just see it. Also I don't know what's up with me and writing angst for the main character. Help?? This is short.

The weekend came and Izuku is not in any mood. After the whole fight with All Might, it got really awkward during classes. A lot of his classmates noticed the tension between the two. It was a cloud of negativity as stated by Tokoyami. A few of his friends asked what happened but he told them that it was just a disagreement. Aizawa and Recovery Girl know the truth on what happened. He told them that he tried telling him the truth but a lot of things kept spilling out, things he didn't mean to say. It's like something was forcing him to say those harsh things. Harsh things he didn't want to ever say. "Please, do not try to even reason with him. It's okay. If he says something about it, go ahead and speak to him about it, but do not speak a thing to him if he doesn't insinuate the conversation. In all fairness, I did dump a lot of things onto him, he's probably terrified out of his mind. I'm also pretty sure that he thinks I'm some sort of psychopath at the moment, although, I'm not complaining. It's fine though. I'll deal with it when he's ready to talk. No way am I forcing a conversation onto him."

Midoriya Izuku is not an idiot. He knows that people wouldn't believe him. He knows that he should not have trusted All Might the first day they met, after all they've always said, "you shouldn't meet your idols" and he should've made sure never to have. It doesn't matter who trusts your word that you can see the things you do, there will always be people who doubt it until you can prove it. For example, Aizawa was on of those. He doubted but at the same time couldn't see a reason why he'd lie; he was at constant war, debating it. That is until Izuku showed him. He did not gouge out his eye this time. No, he simply just drew a Death sigil intertwined with a Sight sigil on his hand. In turn, he watched as Aizawa's face showed partial of his reaction when he saw that Death was there and spoke to him with their raspy voice. Even so, it was hard for him. He just met the Grim Reaper itself and yet, didn't die. Izuku spoke about the Corpses that he's seen, not allowing him to even take part in seeing them. No, he had told him he watched people go mad at seeing them, all because of an eye surgery. Aizawa took part in looking that up, and it turns out that yes it had happened. Along with a few other things. Being dragged by a Corpse when he was around four or five, eye witness accounts from nurses, a doctor, and his mother. This was only one, not as many from the surgery.

After that day, he picked up old habits which include rereading old cases and writing notes on heroes and villains. Basically, it's only on old cases, such as, homicides, kidnappings, questionable suicides. It doesn't matter what types, he'll read them and make a few notes on them. Right now, he's reading on about the newest investigation the police has given him clearance to. Apparently, the day before the cops were able to bust a ring of human traffickers but mostly of children. The fact those types of devils still exist, sickens Izuku. He scrunches his nose in disgust and reads the files an officer gave him about the ringleader, an American male named Alex Smith or, commonly known as, Joker (named himself after a comic book villain). There isn't much on him, but apparently there may be another leader, who they believe to be a woman. Of course, they are not sure on that they still haven't been able to crack him. He tosses the files to the side, discarding it for another hour. His mind cannot take reading anymore about the sickening people that are alive. Beetle's notes that he placed on the murders were helpful to an extent, not as detailed to helping in capturing the person. Sighing, Midoriya gets up and reviews the pictures that are pinned on the bulletin board. He frowns, thinking. He grabs his phone as he stares at one specific photo. "Hey Detective, um, I was reviewing the Crimson Murder case—no, I know, but I was wondering about the shoe print you found."

  "The shoe print is only half of the sole. It's almost like they purposely left it there. What about it?" Izuku can practically hear the frown as he asks the question.

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