Chapter Thirteen

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I really enjoyed writing this chapter sleep deprived, but hey, I edited it in the morning when I was fully awake.

Stalking is simple, especially if one is good at it. The Hosu ward in Tokyo is being targeted for another murder case. They have found out it is, they're just looking for him. The Hero Killer: Stain. The heroes there are looking for him. One known as Ingenium. They are having trouble tracking him down. Unknowingly to them, they're being stalked from a hidden niche of one of the higher buildings. A crazed smirk on his face says enough. He is out for blood today.

* * *

After their fight, Midoriya catches up with Shinsou. "Hey! It doesn't matter what your quirk is, you'll be a great hero." He gives him a smile, taking his glasses off once they're under the tunnel. Their eyes meet and he says, "Your quirk is amazing! You can do so much with it. Don't be discouraged by people. It's human nature."

"Wa-wait! You're from the bridge." The smile tells him all he needs. "Thank you. I don't think ever got to say it, but thank you."

He nods. "It's nice seeing you again, Shinsou."

"Likewise Midoriya." He holds out his hand and Midoriya shakes it with that famous smile of his. Maybe not everyone is bad. A few of his classmates had cheered him on, and that had never happened. A lot of people would alway avoid him because of his quirk. They walk to the stands holding a small conversation together. This, this is nice. I hope it doesn't stop.

The Festival continues on, and Iida is wondering if his brother is watching. His fight comes around ends when Hatsume Mei has no more of her "babies" to show off. He won because she forfeited the match. He goes and meets up with his friends, listening to Midoriya's mumblings as he watches the matches closely. He's profiling them, not just their quirks but their behavior. He blinks before taking his phone out to record him, wanting to know what exactly he can read. The fact that he is let on murder cases, it means he can read people easily, so he wants to see just how spot on he can be. He also notices that he can probably help his brother with something.



"Are you—are you recording me?"




"I don't have my notebook with me. Smart thinking."

"Oh." A pause. "You should always be prepared, Midoriya!"

"I know." He sounds disappointed in himself maybe it's because he didn't plan accordingly. The somewhat elite makes a mental note to buy a handheld recorder for his friend for times like these.

The matches continue until it comes down to Ochaco Uraraka versus Katsuki Bakugou. Izuku and Iida both head to the room. There they find their nervous friend. "Hey, Uraraka."

"Oh! Hi Deku, Iida."

"We came to wish you luck, Uraraka!" announces Iida. He gives her a reassuring smile. "You have a formidable opponent." Iida excuses himself to answer the phone.

"Bakugou, he-" he takes a breath as he continues, "Uraraka, if you want, I can help you with a plan. I've studied his fighting-"

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