Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sort of disappointed in myself. Toga's eye color is yellow and not red. I don't know why I thought it was red, but oh well. Anyway this chapter—there's a part that could've been better but i just couldn't really come up with anything to add to it to make it more dramatic, so it's quite half-assed.

Silence. The world around them has faded out and the clearing where they stand is all they know for the time being. The tension that blooms and thickens between all eight of them has become suffocating. They stare widely between Midoriya and Toga, the girl who just revealed that Deku made a deal with a villain. It can't be true. It has to be a lie because Deku is not stupid enough to do that. Deku? thinks Uraraka. She's lying, right? She has to be. There is no way you made a deal with Shigaraki that day. The zero gravity quirk user's shoulders slump when she realizes that he has not even denied it. She stares with wide eyes at the boy who is grimacing and looking away. He isn't denying anything. He is just standing there as Toga laughs giddily at him.

  Twelve minutes left.

  Izuku never really thought about the contract. He had forgotten about it this entire time. The good thing is, he had been able to record everything that Shigaraki wanted to know. He can't go back on it, after all the contract won't allow him. So when the yellow-eyed girl—Toga Himiko, although he doesn't know her name—announces that because of that stupid contract, Shigaraki Tomura is wanting him to join the villains and he can't do anything to stop it. He will never become a villain no matter how much they try to force him to. Shigaraki can try all he wants, but he will never become that guy's puppet. He huffs, letting the sigil appear as he holds up his hand to show it. He ignores the looks and the questions that he's receiving, hoping at least someone decides to take the villain out while he has her attention. "Does his look like this?"

"Wow! Yours looks so much better though!" She hums as she taps her chin with her knife. She drops her cool demeanor and shrugs, twirling the blade. "I mean, hey! According to Shigaraki, he had been able to make a deal with you and you have yet to pay up your side. Until you do—well, he never told us since he started cackling."

  "He didn't even know about the contract. Why the hell is he acting like he knows everything about it?"

  "Oh! Someone—a woman who I look up to now after learning who she is—came by and told him. Hikawa Achara is her name, by the way!"

That causes Izuku to let out a small gasp. Tsuyu can see that he knows her, and for some reason, the name sounds familiar to her too. She just can't put her finger on it. "Crimson Artist?"

  The frog-human hybrid knows what her friend is trying to do, he's trying to stall and distract her until one of them are able to attack, but they can't move. Tsuyu is trying to figure out how to attack but she can't, her tongue is hurt so she won't be able to grab her. All she can do until she comes up with a way to work around the injury is watch and wait.


"Where is she?"

"Don't know but you might find out if you come with us! After all, I'll be happy to accept you into our team! And you can bring Bakugou with you!"

Midoriya scowls and shakes his head, annoyed that no one has done anything to take the bitch out. "I won't be going with you, no matter what you say. If anything, try force but I'll die before I join you."

  She shrugs, twirling her knife as the crazy smile comes back. The blonde lunges at him but he doesn't let her get close, summoning his scythe and using only his left hand. He grimaces since despite it being less injured than the right, it is still broken and difficult to move. That seems to jumpstart his friends who help him, letting him fall back and nurse the arm he hurt more with the sharp movements. "We'll meet again, my love!"

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