Chapter 1

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Years Ago


"What are you hiding from me Bill!" I shouted towards my muse and sole friend.

"So you did  finish the portal." He says facing his back towards me. His words are strained like he is attempting to maintain his composure. A shiver of fear ran down my spine. It might not have been the best idea to confront Bill in his own dimension. I should have just pulled the plug on it all after what happened to my assistant. But I needed to know what Bill's true intentions were. He is still my friend. He deserves a chance to explain.

"You are not answering my question. What is the point of the portal!" Bill began to turn red and turned towards me. Resting in his arms was what looked to be a blanket which poofed away as he spoke.

"That portal is the key to entering your dimension and I know you take no issue with that Sixer." He says to me as a threat. Knowing how unstable Bill can be when angry, I am going to have to ease up on him.

"I know that Bill and you know I am okay with that. So calm down-"

"Oh, you want ME to calm down, after YOU come to my dimension shouting demands at me!" It is obvious that this is going to get ugly soon. If I want to get out of here uninjured I will have to defuse this.

"Look Bill, Fiddleford came here and has not been the same since. He was mumbling about fearing the beast with one eye and refuses to even talk to me. I am not looking to fight with you, I am simply trying to know what is really going on." I clench my jaw as I wait to see how he will react. Part of me is shouting to turn around and run. Another part is telling me to stand my ground. I did not plan how to end my ties with Bill, only to just give in from fear. This must end today.

"I did what I had to, your little assistant saw too much and I had to do what was necessary." Bill said as he looks at me dead in the eye. His glare warning me or in fact daring me to continue to push for answers. Fear starts to overtake but is subdued by anger. He messed with Fiddleford's mind and I am unsure if he will ever be the same. I have to keep my resolve and end what I started long ago.

"Our deal is off! If you refuse to be honest with me then I am done helping you!" I mutter to him as fear has taken back over. I suck in a deep breath anticipating Bill's response. I begin to slowly step back towards the entrance when Bill begins to return to being yellow and laughs.

"You cannot end what is already completed Sixer. You got your knowledge of the mysteries that lie in Gravity Falls and I got access to your mind. I got my portal and you got your journals. You got your muse and I got my puppet." He says as he chuckles at me.

My deepest fears were true. He was deceiving me the whole time! He never cared to be my friend but only wanted to use me. I am truly alone as I have been since college. Tears began to form as I struggle to keep my composure.

"You really thought we were friends, huh. It is a shame it played out this way but I got what I needed. A token of good faith, I will let you leave with your sanity. Consider it a favor to call us even. I am sure that works for you."

"No you don't Bill." I mumble, clenching my fists.

"Excuse me?"

"You will not have that portal... I won't let you... I-I-I'll shut it down." I mutter through my teeth trying to control the fear and sadness overwhelming me.

"Hahaha, well then in that case consider my favor void." Bill says as he rushes to me attempting to invade my mind.

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