Chapter 13

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Dipper woke up disoriented. It looked around the room and could not make out anything. The room was pitch black. He was confused as to where exactly he was. Was he just dreaming or was this his room in the nightmare realm? Dipper ran his hand along the wall, which made its way around him, finding the lamp on his bedside table. He turned the knob, covering his eyes instantly in response to the bright florescence that filled the room.

After a moment of peeking his eyes open to get adjusted to the bright lights, he scanned the room. It was in fact his room in the nightmare realm. He felt dirty saying his room, it just didn't sit right with him. "What time is it?" He says searching for a clock in his room.

"It is 2:20 in the afternoon Pinetree." Bill said teleporting into the room. Dipper jumped up to his feet, now standing on his bed.

"Oh my god Bill! What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack at age 13?" Dipper said with an accelerated breath.

"Well god isn't real so, no." Bill said.

"What do you mean god isn't real? What does that even have to do with you giving me a heart attack... and you are a demon, how does that work?" Dipper said calming down as his curiosity distracts him from the recent scare he had.

"Alright Alex Trebek, I'll answer your questions. First off, no, god is not real. You guys made him up so you could believe being a good person would be rewarded. Second off, yes, demons do exist but it is their name we use. We did not call ourselves demons originally, they called us demons because their small brains could not realize we could be something different from their 'Angels and Demons' beliefs." Bill said annoyed with the whole situation. "Now, I got the whole day planned out---"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bill you can't just pop into my room, scare me half to death, and then go on about how we are idiots as a species." Dipper said cutting off Bill.

"Aw come on Pinetree. I know you want to start training and it is already 2:23 in the afternoon, so if we are to try to keep a normal human schedule for you we should start."

"It is nice you are eager to help me but... wait... how did you know I wanted to start training? Were you reading my thoughts?" Dipper said getting more upset with the triangle floating in front of him.

"Well of course I am. It is much faster than waiting around for you to tell me things."

"No, no, no. Alright, Bill, if we are going to make this work we need to set some boundaries," Dipper said.

"Oh? And what do you have in mind?" Bill said crossing his arms.

"Um, well first, no more reading my mind for starters. I need to have privacy Bill. Second, don't just teleport in my room... honestly, just stay out of my room. No watching me, no reading my thoughts, and no entering my dreams. You do not come in here unless I am with you and I give permission. I want this place to be a fortress from you. If I am going to be able to put up with you I need to have a space where I am free from you." Bill's single eye squinted at the boy making demands in front of him.

"Jeez kid, I didn't think you would care this much since I am kind of the only protecting you from Tad at the moment." Bill said lowering the tension in the room.

"Aw come on Bill, has anyone ever been happy about you spying on them the way you do? Also, you are protecting me from something that is your fault according to you." Dipper said raising the tension of the room back up. Bill stayed floating and unmoving as he took in what his son said. He is not wrong, I am the reason he needs protection now. If I did not mess up it would not have come to this, even if it is what I wanted in some way. A moment of silence washed over the room as Bill assessed the situation.

"Fine, but what do I get out of this?" Bill replied.

"Why do you have to get anything? This is your fault I am in this situation, it is the least you can do." Dipper said.

"I assumed you would want this done as a deal. That way we can't break it, and if we are doing a deal then I have to get something out of it." The idea of doing a deal did not sit well with Dipper. His logic was reminding him it is never a good idea to make deals with Bill. However, the idea that Bill could not break it appealed to him enough to consider it regardless of his logic.

"Alright, um, how about I give training with you a real shot. We will work together to get me to a point where I can defend myself from Tad and go home." Dipper said hoping his offer was good enough and that there was no loopholes for Bill to exploit.

"You kind of have no choice but to work with me if you want to ever go home, but you got yourself a deal." Bill said extending his arm with his signature blue, flaming hand in range of Dipper. The boy's heart was racing with anxiety of accepting another deal with the devil himself. He was stiff, wanting to accept the deal but could not move his arm up to shake Bill's hand. He took in a huge breath and held it. Bill began to get impatient with the boy as he wondered how possibly bad he could think this deal would be for him.

"Deal!" Dipper exclaimed releasing a huge sigh as he could not hold his breath any longer. Dippers hand made contact with Bill's and ignited purple sealing the deal. Worry flashed over Dipper's face when he saw his hand turn ablaze but was instant washed over with a wave of euphoria.

A pleasurable sensation flowed through him as he fell to his knees from the abundance of stimuli distracting his brain. The feeling was blissful, filling him with joy. All the worries, discomfort, and fear were just eroded from the 13 year old. It felt like what Dipper would imagine people on drugs felt like during their high. He could barely process any thoughts other than focusing on the feelings he had all around his body. Bill couldn't help but chuckle at the boy being overtaken by glee.

"Oh... my... what was that?" Dipper said basically panting as the sensations began to wear off.

"That, my sapling, was you making your first deal. Pretty great feeling huh?" Bill said as he found himself trying to make the widest smile possible for a being without a mouth.

"What... you mean." Dipper said rolling on his back, laying across his bed again.

"Well, you---" Bill paused thinking about what specifically to say. He did not want to reveal who Dipper really was just yet. He simply was not ready to accept the fact he is a demon yet. He had to word this carefully to avoid telling him. "So, you got a flaming demon hand right? Well, you made a demon deal. When that happens you get the pleasurable sensations you just experienced."

Dipper stared at the roof, processing the information Bill just told him. The sensations have almost completely wore off and he felt like how he did prior to the deal. Dipper's paranoia sprouted out confronting him with the question he has been too afraid to face. He wanted to believe this was all Bill's doing but his logic knew better. He had to ask the question ignoring the fear he had for the answer.

"Bill... am I a demon?"


A/N: I am alive, crazy right? Apologies for being MIA for 3 months. I do not have much of an excuse besides just being too busy with life. I am sure you will, hopefully, be delighted to hear I am not abandoning the story. I fully intend to finish it and have the whole plot complete. It is a matter of writing it at this point. I expect to have plenty of time to do it over the next few months and plan to start updating frequently soon. This chapter hopefully can hold you over until then but from my experience it won't, sorry. I been looking back at what I have done now that I been disconnected with the work after some time, and I want to apologize for the pathetic excuse of a chapter that is chapter 12. I want to delete it and re do it but I am afraid it would confuse you guys so I am just sucking it up and for now leaving it. That is mainly all I got to say besides let me know what you guys think of stuff in the comments. If you really like one thing or dislike another tell me. I can focus more on certain aspects if that is what you are interested in. I read all the comments when they come in so... yea comment I guess.

PS - Some point in the next week or so, I plan to go back and proof read and edit everything again. Hopefully, catch stuff I miss and make the story better. Just expect an update that does not include a chapter in the future.

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