Chapter 4

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I stared down my soggy cereal, taking small bites. It was, god knows how early but it was for certain way too early after last night's events. I still am unsure what to make of them. Like, why was my hand on fire? It was just like how Bill's is, so it has to be due to him. He is just trying to mess with me. I got to stay strong and keep my head on straight, not letting Bill win... out of spite. I still don't know if I should say something to everyone. I know how hard it was for Mabel to get over what happened last summer. She still occasionally wakes me up to comfort her after she has nightmares. This summer is supposed to be fun and not about ancient prophecies and zodiacs. I can't just take that away on the second day of the summer, but she deserves a right to know. We don't keep many secrets from each other, especially ones this big. Also, if Bill is back she is in danger. Bill is no doubt vengeful and if she doesn't know he is back then she will be an easy target. She will be defenseless. However, if Bill was out for vengeance what was the point of last night? He had an easy chance to attack me if he wanted, and he revealed he was back. Maybe he wants me to tell everyone? My thoughts get interrupted by Mabel.

"Hey Dipper... you alright there?" I look up at her, she smiles at me with that cheery grin she always has.

"Yea why?" Her smile fades and her brows furrow when she got a look at my face.

"Well... you kinda... just look horrible."

"Wow thanks Mabel!" I sarcastically say, looking back down at my cereal bowl. All that is left are a couple cheerios floating around.

"Nononono! That's not what I mean! What I mean is that... well... you just seem off this morning and your hair is all disheveled like you been stressing about something. You also have been staring at that bowl all morning. I just want to make sure you are alright... did you not sleep well last night?" I run my hand through my hair, she is not wrong. My hair is a complete mess, showing is totally on the agenda today.

"Yea... I did not sleep well night, sorry." I mumble to her across the table.

"Dipper you don't have to apologize. Do you um... wanna talk about it." This is it. If I am going to tell her it is now or never. My heartbeat quickens, my sweaty hands get sweatier.

"No... I um... just have to adjust sleeping in a different bed again, that's all." A lump grows in my throat. I made my choice. A wave of guilt flows over my body. I am doing this for her, so we can enjoy the summer. It is a worry free time with no school or responsibilities. I glance up at Mabel, her face glum, like she is sad I do not want to talk about it.

"Ok Dipper... just know I am here if you want to talk. I know how tough it can be to come back after last summer and I know you bottle up your emotions until you overflow. If you ever need to talk you know where to find me." I couldn't help but smile. It is nice to have someone worry about you like Mabel does for me. I hope she feels the same about me.

"Thanks Mabel, but really, I am fine. I do not know what your plans are for today but I think I will just hang around the shack, maybe nap. You do not have to worry about me, I know everyone is here for me if I need them." Right as I finished my sentence Stan walks in not wearing his trademarked fez, it is weird seeing him without it since he gave it to Soos.

"Hey Kids, how are you all doing today. Whoa Dipper! You alright kid?" I roll my eyes, even he knows something is up. Do I really look that bad?

"Grunkle Stan he is fine, he just needs a shower, and probably a nap too." Mabel says before I had a chance to speak. I look over to her and mouth a thank you towards her. She winks her eye at me and smiles.

"Alright." He says sitting down taking a sip out of his cup of coffee. He then opens up today's paper and begins to read it.

"So, Mabel, what are you doing today?" I ask, changing the subject.

"I was thinking of going to see Candy and Grenda, but if you want I can hang with you today."

"Nonono, go see them, I am actually going to go shower now so go enjoy yourself." I say as I get up from the table, taking my bowl of cereal to the sink. "Tell them I said hi."

"Ok, will do!" She says giving me a thumps up as I leave the room, heading up to the attic.



I can't believe it is Pine Tree. Oh the irony! The kid who is my biggest enemy in this dimension, after Sixer, is my own son. My own child... the one that he STOLE FROM ME! Honestly, got to give the Pointdexer credit. He made my own son become my enemy, it is genius! I had given up hope of ever finding him as, well, I spent half the year regenerating and stuck in Gravity Falls. My best hope was that Sixer would get himself in a sticky situation and I could force him to make a deal with me. When he left at the end of the summer, there was no chance of that happening. When I wasn't making my normal observations over this town I would try to crack the science to tearing down this magic barrier. Making no progress in 3 months I was truly defeated. No plan, no options, just had to sit around and wait for something to happen. Boy did something happen.

The second that bus pulled into town I sensed it. A tiny, minuscule aura of power but in this dimension it is impossible not to notice. I teleported to it, only to find Pine Tree and Shooting Star getting off the bus. I checked the bus to find the source but the bus left town and the aura remained. That had to mean only one thing, it was Pine Tree. He had to be the source! I couldn't believe it, I still don't. I had to check it for myself and all it took was some agitation. His hand lit up! It took everything not to tell him the lies that is his current life and take him with me but Sixer's words rang through my ears. "He would never believe you and if he did it would destroy him. I am not telling you where he is but in the case he is in Gravity Falls he will fear you." He was right. Pine Tree would never accept it or accept me. He even thought I was the one lighting his hand on fire. He thinks of me as his worst enemy and he does not trust a single thing I tell him after I took over his body. It is hilarious I could not notice he was a demon when I took him over, whatever Sixer did to hide his demon side was very effective. At least his power is too much for that charm to handle. He is overflowing and cracking at the seams.

Dominic knows I am back. Soon, everyone will know, including Sixer. I need to act fast before Sixer does something to hide Pine Tree from me. The question is what action to take? I could just take him now, but he is in the Shack which I cannot get into and he would never accept me then. He has to make the choice to be with me. He has to trust me if I ever want him to accept me. He did trust me last night when he listened to my advice to calm down. His powers are going to keep showing, maybe the best game plan is to be there for him when he needs my help to deal with them. I may not have been there all these years, but I will be there for my son when he needs me now. No matter what Ford tries to do stop me!

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