Chapter 17

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"Potassium? Potassium! Are you kidding me?" Ford shouted in outrage. He threw the daily newspaper on the table and walked away.

"Ford calm down." Stan muttered cooking with his back turned

"Something isn't right and I am going to find out what." Ford said entering the code on the vending machine.

"Do you really think the first responders would lie? I know how you handle grief Ford. Don't let this consume you, not again."

"I have scoured those woods for years, there is not any hidden potassium mines out there." Ford said closing the secret lab door behind him.

Stan returned his attention to the meal he was making before him. He finished and made his way up to the attic. He tapped a few gentle knocks only to be met with a saddened grunt. Stan creaked only the door. "Hey Mabel, I made dinner for you."

"Im not hungry." Mabel said muffled in sweater town.

"Oh come on, sweater town needs its shipments of premium stancakes." Stan said playfully hoping to lighten the mood. He didn't know but Mabel couldn't help but flash a grin. After a minute of no response Stan replied to himself, "Alright, when you are ready they are waiting for you in the kitchen... oh, and I made sure to add extra glitter this time." Stan said as he left.

Stan went back downstairs and planted himself on his recliner. He stared at the black mirror across from him. His hand lied on the TV remote but he did not want to turn it on. He didn't want to distract himself and forget about Dipper. It doesn't feel right.  Stan pressed both hands against his face with a sigh. "God, why Dipper. I knew he was gonna get himself really hurt sometime I should've done something." Tears threatened to run down and were brimming around his eyes. "Why do I have to be the one who needs to keep it together in this family."

"Are you okay sir?" A man in purple said.

"The mystery shacks closed."

"Ah, yes but I am not here as patron. I am here—"

"Look, if your not here to spend money or have information on Dipper than I don't care why you are here." Grunkle Stan said as he rose from his chair. Moving towards the man in purple, ready to get handsy if necessary. "I already told all the reporters we have no comment."

"Well, I am no reporter, but I may have information on this 'Dipper' person if he is who I think he is." The man in purple said with a growing grin.

"You know what happened to Dipper?" Mabel said at the end of the staircase behind the two men. Grunkle  Stan turned around and gave a weak smile at Mabel. "Mabel, what are you doing down here?" He asked softly.

"I came down for the extra glittery stancakes." She said with her normal level of enthusiasm back.

"Oh yea, well Mabel why don't you go eat and I will talk to Mr.—" Grunkle Stan motioned for the purple man to state his name but he stood in silence.

"But Grunkle Stan, if he knows where Dipper is I need to know." Mabel said walking past the kitchen, pivoting herself between the two men.

Grunkle Stan scrunched his face up before muttering  "Fine."

The three made their way into the gift shop portion of the Mystery Shack. Stan went over to the door and paused. He remembered locking the door last night but now it was left unlocked. No signs of forced entry but unless someone in the house did it the door shouldn't be unlocked.

"So what happened to Dipper? Where is he?" Mabel asked.

"Woah, Mabel, we do not know who this man is or if he is credible." Grunkle Stan said pulling Mabel away from the purple man, while eyeing him down himself. "He is hiding something I can tell a liar from afar."

"That is true. I am hiding something, and that is because I am unsure if I can trust you people. So how about we set a small arrangement." The purple man said pleasantly smiling. "You tell me everything I want to know about 'Dipper' and I will help you find him."

Mabel's eyes lit up. "You mean he is still alive?"

"As far as I am aware he is, that is for now until you find him." The purple man's smile grew knowing he has her. "So, we have an arrangement?"

Not thinking it through Mabel quickly shoved her hand out from behind Grunkle Stan shouting, "Deal!"

The purple man quickly snatched her hand and chuckled. When their hands made contact fire erupted around them, sealing the deal. Mabel squeaked and jumped back in fear. Losing her footing she flopped on he ground. Wide eyed and scared for the possible mistake she just made. Grunkle Stan saw red as he went to charge at the man in purple.

"Stan, get away from him!" Ford shouted as he entered the room carrying a large rifle. Similar to the one he attempted to kill Bill with a year ago.

The purple man took on Grunkle Stan's lunge and spun him around. He grabbed both of  Stan's arms and pulled them behind his back, pinning him. Ford now stood across from Tad with Grunkle Stan pinned between as a body shield.

"You shoot and you risk hitting him. How about before you do that you hear me out." Tad said.

"There is nothing to talk about, demon." Ford said with a look that could kill.

"Well... my name is Tad Strange and based on the fact you were able to guess I am a demon, I assume this is not your first contact with one. Now, I know Bill has hung around here lately. So, let me guess, you guys do not like Bill very much do you?" Tad paused to wait for an answer. Silence echoed in the room before he resumed speaking. "I am going to take you silence as a yes. Especially since none of you seem to be confused about who Bill Cipher is, which is great because that means we are on the same side!"

"We are not on the same side with a demon" Ford said through gritted teeth.

"But you see, we are. I want to destroy Bill Cipher and from that big fancy gun you got there, you do too."

"Well, your late to the party, we already did." Stan said.

Tad lightly chuckled. "Based on what I saw yesterday he is very much alive, so—"

"What do you mean, what did you see yesterday?"  Ford asked still aiming his rifle at Tad.

"Ah, see I would love to but first I am going to have to ask you to lower your gun." Tad said with smug grin. Ford stood there torn but eventually gave in and lowered his weapon. "Great, Bill is indeed not destroyed but before I continue, I believe little missy over there has her end to fulfill."

Stan getting free of Tad's grasp goes over to Mabel before asking, "What do you want from her?"

"As our arrangement dictates she needs to tell me about Dipper." Tad said.

"Why do you want to know information about Dipper." Ford asked.

"This 'Dipper' seems to be very... special to Bill, enough that he has taken him to another dimension."

"So, Dippers not dead?" Mabel said standing up again.

"I presume not but as you probably know, Bill only brings destruction and chaos so he is far from 'safe'."

"And why do you care? What is your issue with Bill enough that you want him destroyed?" Ford asked.

"Let's just say, when your dimension gets destroyed, you will do everything you can to destroy everything they ever cared about." Tad said with a flat face. "Shall we get started finding them?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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