Chapter 2

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"Let me go you insane, 3-sided... wha-what is this place?" I look around confused as I look around this small room I am in. In front of me lies a lit fireplace, which light is the only source in the room. On the walls are pictures of Bill and leather furniture scattered around. I tired to move but my leg is caught. Looking down, my ankle is chained. I was just at the clock tower with Dipper, how did I get here?

"Oh we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, oh I know we'll meet again some sunny day." Bill sings as he phases through the ground playing a piano.

"Wha...Where am I?"

"You're in the penthouse suite kid. Top of the pyramid!" He says turning to me with a drink in his hand. "Here have a drink! Make yourself comfortable." Then a drink appears in my hand and Bill drinks his through his eye. "You know that couch is made of living human skin!" The couch then protrudes eyes and mouths and arms. I think I am going to vomit. I get up and back away form that disgusting piece of furniture. I already am tired of Bill.

"Quit the games Cipher, what do you want!" I shout to him, fully knowing what he wants.

"Oh, so you are gonna pretend you forgot what STOLE from me?" He replies flashing red for a split second. "Where is my son Sixer!"

"He is safe, happy, and loved by his family and you seriously think I am going to just tell you where he is?" I state being careful what I tell him for not only Dipper's safety but also my mine.

"So he is still alive, guess then killing you is off the table." Bill lowers his voice and a moment of silence fills the air. "You had to have hid him then. He cannot be in Gravity Falls or else I would have sensed him. However, you managed to find a family for my little demon." I internally breathe a sigh of relief. He has no clue that his own son has been under his nose all summer. A grin began to surface on my face. Bill notices and says, "It is interesting that a human family would accept living with a demon. Unless, they do not know, which in that case would mean you did something to suppress his powers and hide his heritage." My grin disappeared instantly. A knot began to form in my stomach and my throat swelled.

"He is happy and safe Bill can't you just leave him be." I squeak out as fear takes over my body.

"Yes, I am glad he is safe and happy, but HE SHOULD BE SAFE AND HAPPY WITH ME!" Bill shouts growing in size and flashing red. If I don't play this right I am as good as dead. However, he can't kill me or else he will never find his son.

"Calm down Cipher, you do not want to do something you will regret. I am the only one who knows where your son is and if you kill me you will never find him." Bill shrinks back down and return to his 'natural' yellow color.

"Ford I just wanna see my son again... please." Bill never calls me Ford he always would say Sixer or Pointdexter. He really does care. I cannot tell him though it would shatter Dipper's trust.

"Bill even if I told you what would you do? You would go and show up telling some happy kid who has thought he is human his whole life that it was all a lie? He would never believe you and if he did it would destroy him. I am not telling you where he is but in the case he is in Gravity Falls he will fear you and if he isn't, causing global weirdmageddon will do the same. Bill just settle with the fact that he is happy and safe. End this madness and just enjoy your immortality." Bill pauses and started to process what I told him. I think he is realizing that there is no way Bill can just go and get his son back it is too late, it has been too long.

"I lost all enjoyment in my life when you stole him from me Ford. You are right about me barging into his life but I know as his power grows, that spell you used to suppress them will start to falter, it is only a matter of time." My eyes widen as he makes a valid point. I have no clue how long that spell will last and I cannot protect Dipper forever.

"He will still be afraid of you... especially if you take weirdmageddon global."

"Oh I do not worry about that. Once I go global and find him, I will just have to unlock his demon side and I am sure he will become a participant. You brought this upon yourself for stealing my child so now I will simply just liberate your world. Now I have no use for you so..." He says as a fireball grows in his hand. He is going to kill me, I have to give him some reason not to.

"WAIT! Bill you can't leave Gravity Falls yet... you... um... you are trapped in here. Yea, You kill me you never will be able to go global and if your son is not in Gravity Falls you will never find him even if his powers start to show." I shout at the growing triangle before me.

"Fine then! Tell me how and I will let you live. Here, I will even shake on it!" He says as he sticks out his flaming hand towards me.

"Cipher I have been fooled enough to know you are just trying to trick me again. And if you seriously think that I will tell you, then you are insaner than I thought."  I shout to his gigantic figure.

"Alright, then tough guy, everyone has a weakness so I'll make you talk. It is only just a matter of time." My vision goes blurry and is replaced by flashes of horrific images.

(Rest of weirdmageddon plays out the same as it does in the show)

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