Why Earth?

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Juliet's POV -:

I smiled as the morning light hit me square in the face. Pulling the blanket off me, I walked over to the window, drawing the curtains wider open. I loved morning's. I loved the sunlight. Well....I suppose it would be weird if I didn't. I mean, I am an angel.

There are exactly 8 planets in the solar system, two of which contain life. The non magical planet Earth which is ruled by the human race and our planet, the planet where I live, Marydale.

Marydale is not your average Earth. Marydale is......well, Marydale. Marydale is a planet ruled by two opposing races, angels and devils. The angelic race are basically decendants of the same family, The Capulet's. Well......obviously not every single angel on Marydale has the same surname, but as long as a person is an angel they are concidered Capulet's. The same principal applies for the devils. Every devil is conciderd a Montegu. 

My name is Juliet, I'm an angel and therefore I'm a Capulet. That, and I'm direct decendant of the royal family so it wouldn't make sense if my surname wasn't Capulet.

I am Juliet Feiermata Ars De Capulet, current heir to the throne of the Capulet family. Hence, next in line to rule the throne of Lumos.

Oh and yeah, since Marydale is ruled by both angels and devils there is a central line (kind of like the equator) that divides Marydale into two parts. The entire South of Marydale is ruled by the Capulet's, and the North is ruled by the devils, the Montegu's.

Our country's name is Lumos, meaning light. Perfect for an angelic country filled with angels huh?

"Juliet? Are you up yet honey?"  Moms voice boomed in my head. Weird, why was mom using telepathy to get in contact with me?

"Whats up mum? You dont usually give me a mind to mind wake up call. Not to mention, telepathy in the morning? So early? My head feels like its splitting."

"Not now!" Moms voice raised in my head. "Get over here! Don't bother taking a shower, just hurry!"

"Be right there." I answered as mum tuned out of my head.

I threw a black tracksuit on and hurried out of my room running through the large corridors of the big Capulet mantion. I knocked on the council rooms door.

"Come in!" My dads dry voice answered.

I pushed open the door, walking into the room. The huge room was completely empty except for my parents sitting on their respective chairs. 

"Where are the council mwmbers? Why did you call me?"

"Sit." Dad odered. He was in complete king mode. I did as I was told, sitting at the other end of the long, huge council table.

"She's just a kid Richard! Please don't do this!" Tears were brimming in moms eyes, threatening to fall. She took dads hands in her's. Eyes pleading.

"You will speak when asked Lady Capulet. Pleading will make no difference, the prophacy has foretold it. Juliet Feiermata Ars De Capulet, I order you by the power vested in me as King of Lumos! I order you to go to Earth!!"

Ok?! What just happened? I nodded my head in agreement. I mean....... I could have refused, but he did use the King  word in his sentence, he never did that. Not with me.





Romeo's P.O.V -:

I groaned as the sun came up, I hated the sun!! Absolutely hated the damn thing!! Plus every time the sun rises I have to wake up.

The door to my room flung open as my my most hated enemy, Mercutio ran in (by enemy I mean friend. My best friend. Us devils never call each other goody goody names)

"The hell do ya want!!?" I screamed. "Let me fucking sleep!!"

"The king is calling for you. Go now! He's in a really bad mood. He'll hit me if I don't get you on time." His breathing was heavy, as he struggled to catch his breath.

"God! Do I look like I care?! Stop bothering me!!"

"Romeo. You'll regret it. He might even hit you. Just go."

Mercutio was really starting to get on my nerves. "Dad would never hit me." I replied calmly, burying my head in the pillow.

"Get the hell up!!" He walked over to my bed, pulling my blanket of me.

That's it! I snapped.

I got up in one swift motion and balled my fist. Crack!  I felt his jaw break as my fist impacted hard on his left cheek.

The rooms door banged open as my father, King Montegu marched in.

My father was a big intimidating man in his 40's. He had long dark black hair which fell to his shoulders along with grey cat eyes that matched his sharp features perfectly. His skin had a natural tan.

Mercutio's jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. Dad was in my room!! I can't remember the last time he was in here.

Dad clenched his teeth together, arching an eyebrow.

"Leave us Mercutio." He commanded in a high, scary voice.

Mercutio bowed once then scurried out of the room, closing the door behind him.


He took two steps towards me, then slapped me. My eyes widened further! That was the first time I had ever been slapped! By dad that is.

The hell!! This asshole just slapped me!

I glared at him, clenching my own teeth to calm myself down.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Go to Earth." Was the only answer he gave me. "I oder you, Romeo Kendore De Montegu! To go to Earth!!"

"I refuse!" I shouted back.

"Don't make me hit you again boy!! You will go!!! And that is final!!"


A/N -:

Hey guyzz!

New story!

Am excited excited!!

Btw.....sorry for the bad language. Devils gotta be evil!

Please comment and lyk ☺

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