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I was sitting on the branch reading my book again, the night was calm and beautiful. Moons gaze let me see the text, stars shining on the firmament. I couldn't focus myself because of what happened a few moments ago. I could still feel his gentle touch on my face, it was so addicting. I heard the footsteps and looked down on the source of oh so familiar chakra. He was standing there under the tree.

- Maa, Naruto what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping? - I asked happily, he jumped on the branch next to me, and sit down dangling his legs off. He didn't answer and looked at me thinking.

- I came to replace you, your watch is over dattebayo. - I nodded my head, still not moving from my spot. - Sen-, Kakashi I wanted to talk to you. - he said gazing at the moon.

- Go on Naruto, you know you can always talk with me. - I put my hand on his shoulder.

- I... It's about our kiss. - silence fell, my hand slipped. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what he was thinking, I didn't know what to do so I let my words flee before I even thought.

- It was an accident Naruto, we were both drunk. It doesn't suppose to happen. I'm sorry if you feel used, I never meant to hurt you. Best will be if we'll forget about it and will act like this never happened. This should never happen, I crossed borders. - I looked at my hands and felt a pang in my heart, I didn't mean it. I wanted to repeat it, this time without my mask and sober. I was longing his touch, his fragrance, his taste, his warmth. He didn't break eye contact with the moon and nodded. I didn't know what he was thinking, and I was so damn scared.

- It's my turn sensei, go have some rest dattebayo. - I ruffled his silk hairs, he smiled lightly still not looking at me.

- Ok then, thanks. - and just like that, I left him alone as he took my spot on the branch.

I went into the cabin and took off my sandals. I walked in the only room and saw that they made one big bed of our mats. On the right next to the wall was sleeping Sakura, with Sasuke on her left. Then was Tenzo, Sai, and the last one Obito. There was free spot on the left. I took off my jounin vest, and hitai-ate, then my gloves, and long sleeve shirt. I laid myself on the free spot next to Obito, it was still warm and smells like Naruto. I cuddled to the pillow and breathed in his scent. Sigh.

- How it went? - I heard Obito's groggy whisper. - Did he talk to you?

- How do you know? - I whispered confused.

- When he came back he was talking without a break about your magnificent face, I figured it out. So?

- I told him it was an accident and it should never happen. - I whispered defeated, he grunted.

- What? Are you that dumb? Baka! - he was indignant.

- Shh, you'll wake them up. I can't jeopardize him, I can't hurt him, I can't lose him. It is safely the way it is. - I mumbled.

- You better not regret it. But I'm afraid you lost him just now. - he said resigned. - Anyway, sleep well Bakashi. Maybe we'll figure it out one day.

- 'Night. - and like that, I fell into a restless sleep, having my nightmares once again.

~~ カカシ ~~

I woke up sensing something near my throat, and I caught it. A wrist?
My eyes shot open. I saw two beautiful cerulean orbs looking down into my dark greys. My breath hitched. I looked around and saw Sakura next to me with Sasuke behind her, Sai was nearby leaning on the wall. They were surprised and a bit scared.

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