Keith x depressed reader.

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 you have been warned but here you go.

EDITED: HarmonyPanger


You are sat looking at the four plain white walls of your hell hole, your panic room or as the other paladins knew it, your bedroom. They don't know you cry yourself to sleep because you overhear the things they say about you, when you're not in the room or even just before you enter a room. You've noticed that it hasn't just been affecting you, but also your silver lion. Because of your connection, she too can feel the pain you feel and has begun to distance herself from the other lions. You can tell the other lions could see the change in you and silver are trying to reach out to Shiro, Lance, Hunk and Pidge but they won't listen. Now you are stuck with the same four pale walls for most of your time here at the castle, occasionally leaving to get food, or sneaking out to secretly talk to the lions; the only ones who listen when you're down.

You hear a faint knock against your door as usual it's Allura but this time you can hear the worry behind the quite yet firm knocking that was getting louder by the second.

"What?" you say through quietened sobs.

"Are you up yet, Y/N? I'm sorry if I woke you, it's just that you've been in your room nearly all day. The lions are restless and I was hoping you could help me with them: they all trust you," she says behind the door, as unnoticed tears slowly made their way down your face.

You stand up and pull down the sleeve of your F/C t-shirt as you make your way to the door. You slid it open as you wiped away your tears, before wearing a fake smile. Of course, Allura and Coran don't know that the others treat you like mud on the bottom of their shoes. You didn't tell them; it would crush Allura if she knew they were hurting her best friend so much that you had considered taking your own life. Keith, the red paladin of the group also has no idea. He is your best friend; they wouldn't dare hurt you in front of him, you mean something to him.

"Sure, Allura, I'll help as much as I can," you say walking with the princess down the hall to the lions' room. "I'm sorry if I can't do anything..."

You can feel Silver wavering in her emotions for the others; you can feel the same for Red but don't know why. He isn't your lion.

"That's fine Y/N. Why haven't I seen you around the castle as much as I used to? Is everything alright? Does Keith need to know about anything? Allura asked, worried. You froze slightly at the mention of Keith. You were terrified of telling him the truth; he could turn on you too. You couldn't risk that happening. You renew your false cheer and look over to her.

"No, I'm fine, Allura. I've just been feeling a little under the weather, that's all. You don't need to worry, I'm only the silver lion," you say deprecatingly, while holding onto your smile to fool the princess.

"No! Y/N, being the silver lion is even more important than being the black lion. Yes, the black lion is the leader, but the silver lion is the heart and power source of Voltron. If anything taints the silver lion, it'll affect the entire structure of Voltron, it wouldn't form properly and our power would be lost. You are important Y/N, not just to the team, or Voltron but to me as well. You're like a sister to me," she says before pulling you into a hug.

You come to a stop as you hear angry roars and yelling from inside the lions' room. As you open the door, Red pounces on you, showing his happiness, that you are safe and sound. You get up to sit with Silver while Red follows behind you, protecting you. Looks of shock fall upon the faces of the paladins bar Keith, who knew of your special bond with all of the lions.

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