Keith x Reader~

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In this story, you are Shiro's daughter. He sees you as a generally well behaved girl and trusts you with most things. The only thing he can't stand being around you? Boys. Eventually, he allowed you to get a boyfriend, Keith, and Shiro warned Keith about your relationship all the time. Little does Shiro know, Keith is the reason you're going to be a young mother.



You and Keith are lying on his bed with him spooning you from behind. If your dad knew what the two of you had just done he would have skinned Keith. In Coran's words, he had "removed your flower" but you don't care, you love him and you know he loves you.

"How are we going to tell your father about this?" he says, stroking your hair as your head rested on his chest. You remain quiet, listening to the soft thrum of his heart before slowly raising your head to look at him with a small smile.

"I don't know Keith," you say with a sigh before giggling slightly, "but I do know that you need to be incredibly good at running. You feel Keith tense slightly before relaxing back into you. You both know, tonight would change your lives, helping your love grow.

Three Weeks Later

You're walking round the city, shopping with your best friends Pidge and Allura. Suddenly you feel a bubbling in your stomach and run to a restroom with the two girls running after you. You push your way into a toilet and begin throwing up ridiculously.

"Y/N do you want me to ring your dad for you?" asks Allura, clearly concerned who stood in the doorway of the open stall next to a smiling Pidge. You only nodded as she walked out of the room to call your dad.

"So when were you planning on telling the rest of us? Most importantly, when were you planning on telling Keith and your dad?" you hear Pidge say as she walks over to you and starts to rub your back, comforting you.

"I don't know, Pidge. I'm scared to tell them. I know Keith wants kids, but when we're older, not now, when we're 18. And dad will hate me and Keith for it," you say, breathing heavily, nearly hyperventilating, panicking as you thought of the consequences of a pregnancy. You feel Pidge lift your chin and look you in the eyes.

"I know Shiro, he won't hate you, he'll be happy. He wouldn't hurt you, and even if he tried, Matt and I would show him that you and Keith are clearly in love and that Keith would take care of you, and a baby, as best he could, no matter what. Shiro would love having grandkids. All we have to do is hope that the kid has your personality, we don't need another emo." You laugh with her, until you hear you dad's voice speaking with Allura outside of the bathroom.

You and Pidge walk towards the door but before you open it, you hear your father shouting at someone. For a moment you pause, confused at what is going on until you hear Lance's voice asking him to calm down.

"What's happening?" you ask as you open the door. You look around and see Shiro being held back by Coran and Lance as Keith rubs his cheek. You run over to Keith to see if he was ok, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him smile before he puts an arm around you.

"It was just something I ate," you say, smiling at your dad.

"Are you sure you're alright, baby girl?" Shiro asks as he walks over, pulling you away from Keith causing him to frown. You smile up at your dad and kiss his cheek causing him to grin as everyone but Keith laughs at this rare display of affection.

"Let's get you home sweetie so you can rest," he says before turning to Keith, "I'm sorry about your cheek Keith, I hope it gets better." Noticing the sarcasm you punch his arm causing him to yell in surprise at the sudden hit.

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