I don't fucking care: Lance x reader x Matt

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editored: by the same person as the others 

You were sat alone in your living room. Your brother, Keith had moved out to live with the rest of his team as well as Rex, as the rest of the team also all had dogs as well. He apologised profusely for leaving you here on your own but you knew he loved you to bits.

You had recently started dating Lance. You were both happy to begin with but you began to notice that he was drunk when he called you, or small kiss marks on his neck. His 'I love you'-s were becoming less frequent and he kept blowing off dates or forgetting anniversaries, sometimes pushing you completely away.

You were staring at an old photo of the two of you; it was a cute one but it was bothering you. It bugged you how 'lovey-dovey' he acted with you when Keith was with you, often resulting in you slapping on a fake smile.

You remembered planning a big dinner for your anniversary with a gift for Lance, it took you ages and just resulted in Lance ringing you saying he was busy with work. You ended up calling his office to check it out, thinking it could have been important enough for them to let him take time off; turned out he'd taken the day off to spend time with 'a girl'. You had thought it was going to be you, that he'd planned a surprise or something but it turned out that he'd forgotten that it was your anniversary and you had no idea which girl it was he'd decided to spend his day with.

And tonight you were waiting for him to come home from 'work', while you sat on your sofa with a suitcase and cardboard boxes full of your stuff from the house the two of you had shared. You were moving back in with your dad. You were terrified of telling Keith, what made it worse was that Keith and Lance were best friends.

You placed the last photo of you and your friends in the 'memorabilia' box as you heard the front door open. You looked up and saw a panicked Lance looking between you, your suitcase and your boxes.

"What are you doing? Where are you going, Y/N?" he asked, stepping closer to you as you doubled-back, pulled up your suitcase and handed Lance the key.

"I'm sorry Lance, this isn't working out. I'm moving in with my dad again," you turned to the door and began walking towards it. You felt Lance's hand grab your shoulder, trying to turn you around.

"No. You aren't leaving. You're with me," anger seeped into his voice but you still didn't turn around to face him.

"No Lance," you barely whispered, pulling out of his grip.

"WHY?" he yelled, walking after you at high speed.

"Because you cheat, you lie, you forget everything that's supposed to be important to us, you push me away, and you only love me when my brother is in the room or others come over. Other than that you hate me, I can't do this," you shout back, reaching for the door handle. Before you could push it open you were forced against it, Lance pinning your hands on either side of your head trapping you in.


You pushed him off, opening the door before turning to him and throwing the necklace down that he got you when you first started dating.

"May 11th. Our first anniversary, you had a shift at work, you came back to the house drunk, smelling of perfume, love bites up and down your neck." You began walking down the drive into your car without looking back.

"I love you Y/N, I need you," he whispered to himself, watching you get into your dad's car and drive off

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"I love you Y/N, I need you," he whispered to himself, watching you get into your dad's car and drive off.


You were heading over to Keith's to pick up your daughter. She was a year old and you'd had her with your boyfriend, soon-to-be husband, Matt. Even though he was your best friend's brother, Kaye wasn't bothered about the two of you getting together. She was so happy to be an Aunt, squealing loudly around her brother's apartment when she found out while you and Matt watched on laughing.

Your little girl, Luna Holt, has your E/C eyes but Matt's brown hair and smile. She was currently with her Uncle Keith who had wanted to show her off to his boyfriend, Shiro.

You made it to the small apartment and immediately came face to face with someone you hadn't seen in three years. He was still the same, apart from the dark bags under his eyes and a few more tattoos. You remembered Keith mentioning him getting into a little trouble and ending up in jail.

"Hey Lance," you said with a smile; he walked past you his face stoic and headed to the elevator, stopping before the doors.

"You look peachy, you and your loving family," he spat.

"I am. Matt is sweet and kind, he loves me and our little girl," you glared at him.

"Oh wow, I had no idea your life was that good," he said in mock surprise, "You might not know but Ellie and I are having a pretty good time as well. She's generally just a better version of you, in bed too."

"I don't fucking care Lance. Have fun with your slut of a girlfriend and never talk to me again," you shouted as the elevator doors shut behind him.

You turned back to Keith's apartment door and knocked. A few moments later Shiro opened the door and let you in with a smile. Over his shoulder you saw Keith playing with Luna.

"Hey bro, mind giving me my daughter back?" you said heading over to him with a smile.

"What do I get in return?"

"A hug?"

Keith looked over and gave you Luna as Shiro sat on the other side of the sofa. You all sat talking for a while until Matt called to let you know he was waiting for you outside. You waved goodbye with Luna as Shiro and Keith giggled at her tiny wave.

You made it to the car to see Matt smiling at you and his little girl. He got out of the car and walked towards you, kissing you cheek and Luna's forehead before taking her out of your arms.

"How's my lovely fiancé doing on this fine day?" he asked as he walked back to the car with you.

"I'm doing fine baby, thanks for coming to get us. Luna's starting to get sleepy and I am in need of a snuggle," you said as you sat in the car while Matt sat your daughter into her car seat.

"Well, as soon as we get in we will put Luna to bed and then I am all yours until dinner," and he started up the car.


Sorry for making this late but I had writers block :/

I'm sorry for making Lance seem mean but I needed a way to add Matt into the group of one-shots so now Matt's on the list.

Request if you want one of your own in here!

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