hunk x reader

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You became best friends with team Voltron when they saved you from a Galra prison camp. You are human but sadly, you're memories from Earth are a blur due to the trauma caused by the Galra. Thanks to Pidge and Allura's help however, you have slowly begun to get them back.

From the day you were saved you became especially close to the yellow paladin, Hunk. He is your best friend but you can't help but fall for his charm and humour. Lately you have started to distance yourself from everyone else however, as you've found out that you are part Galra, like Keith. You saw how everyone reacted to him when they found out that he was part Galra but they had gotten over it eventually. You were going to tell Keith only because you didn't want to lose anyone but needed to get it off your chest.

You slowly made your way through the corridors of the castle to the Red Paladin's room and soon heard two pairs of footsteps coming up behind you: Hunk and Lance. You quickly ran behind a groove in the wall to hide yourself from the two paladins even if one of them was your best friend.

"So Hunk," you hear Lance say as they walked past, "What do you see in Y/N?"

"Well, it's hard to say. I know her past has been hard on her but I only became friends with her on Allura's orders to keep her safe. I didn't see any other reason to become her friend. Lately though, she has been acting like we've left her. I don't know, I just don't really see anything there."

It didn't only surprise you to hear what Hunk said, but it clearly surprised Lance as well; he'd mentioned that he thought the two of you would look cute together and he knew how you felt about Hunk. He looked crushed knowing how you'd feel if you knew what Hunk was saying.

"You don't really mean that, do you big guy?" Lance asked, making sure he was telling the truth and not pulling his leg. Lance truly looked at you as a little sister in the same way Shiro and Keith did.

"I do, Lance. I'm being serious. I know you want to yell at me but I was just following orders. Please, don't tell her," Hunk responded with a small smile as he walked off, leaving behind a confused Lance and a nearly in tears Y/N behind a wall. As he walked away you let out a small sob and left your hiding spot as you power walked towards Keith to tell him the truth. You decided to stop pretending to be people's friends; even if you fell for them, it would be against orders for them to fall for you.

The door to Keith's room opened as you knocked and you looked into violet eyes with your own teary ones. His eyes filled with worry as he tried to figure out what was wrong, but you could tell he wouldn't get it just by looking at you.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked as he pulled you into his room. As he did so, you fell to the floor and started to cry uncontrollably as he bent over and started rubbing your back to calm you down. "Please, tell me Y/N. Please?" he asked as he noticed you begin to quiet down; you looked up at him without a smile.

"I'm like you, Keith. I'm Galra, but that's not the problem. I know that people who I thought were my friends aren't really. They were just following orders. I'm sorry Keith, but I'm leaving tonight, after everyone's gone to sleep," you said looking at your knees unable to look the red paladin in the face, and see the anger that would most likely be etched across his face.

"Who? Who is pretending to be your friend? And you aren't leaving me here alone with Lance. You are sticking with me, you are not leaving my side and no one will be bothered if you're Galra. I don't care and I know Shiro won't. You're still the same old Y/N, you always have been."

"Hunk. He pretended to be my friend and the worst part is I've fallen in love with him. But it's hopeless to love someone who doesn't love you back," you said looking at the floor, a sad smile lingering on your face.

"I'm asking Shiro and Allura to get you moved in here with me then. Can I tell them what happened?" he asks, looking at you with worry evident in his voice. You nod in reply, too scared to open your mouth in case the tears started again.

~time skip~

It's been a couple of weeks since you had overheard Hunk and Lance's conversation and moved in with Keith, much to Lance's disapproval. You slowly began silencing yourself around most of the group. You'd begun to talk to Shiro for a while, until the yellow paladin would come into the room. You didn't know that today, Shiro, Lance and Keith had worked together to get a way to make you and Hunk to work things out.

"Lance," you whined as he dragged you over to another room, "Why do I have to go? I had a date with my pillow and we were getting along really well."

"Wow, I'm sorry I interrupted. Those dates seem to be getting a little fluffy, though. You sure you don't need to puff those pillows up a bit?" he said with a smile on his face as the two of you got closer to the room.

"Oh shut up and go make purple with Keith," you said making the boy glare and blush at you, not denying anything. You get to a door and feel Lance push you in without saying another word as he 'locks' the door.

"Y/N?" You freeze as you hear the voice belonging to the one person you didn't want to hear.

"Y/N, why don't you hang out or even talk with Pidge and I any ore?" he asks. You still don't answer him, or even look towards him, even though he was clearly walking towards you.

"What's wrong? I thought we were friends?" he says now standing behind you. This was the final straw with him; you couldn't stand getting your heart broken again.

"Were we ever friends? Or was I just an order for you to follow?" you said, turning to see his face full of shock, clearly not expecting you to know this.

"How?" he asks, with his surprise slowly turning into guilt as he saw your eyes pricking with tears.

"I overheard you talking with Lance. It crushed me to know you just see me as an order to follow when I've always thought of you as so much more. I knew it was dumb, but it was worse for me to think you actually cared for me," you said looking down at your feet, tears streaming down your face.

"Y/N, I-I'm sorry," you hear him say, his voice filled with worry. You feel him rest a hand on your shoulder but push him away as the tears continue to fall.

"No, Hunk. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for falling in love with the person I thought was my best friend. But I wasn't even that to them, I was just an order," you sobbed but felt it muffle as you got pulled into Hunk's chest.

"I only said that to get Lance off my back. I'm sorry you heard it but the truth is that I fell in love with my best friend too," he says lifting up your chin making your E/C eyes meet his big brown ones. You both start to lean in. When your lips met, it was like fireworks were going off in your mind. As you pulled away, you saw he had a dark lace of blush on his cheek but didn't say anything as you heard Lance scream, "I KNEW IT!" alongside the laughs of Shiro and Keith.

Moral time! Don't jump to conclusions in both platonic and romantic relationships. The truth may not be what you want to hear, but you might need to hear it and hear it with context.

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