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I close the door with a long sigh, looking around for cameras. It's a bathroom... of course no cameras. Wouldn't have put it past them though.

"Okay, they aren't this perverted," I say.

I sigh in relief, slowly taking my jacket off, then my shirt, staring at the sink.

"Okay," I whisper to myself.

I let my wings get free for a moment, looking at myself in the mirror before putting my wings back in. I then put the shirt and jacket on, sipping my jacket back to up to my chin.

"Okay. Be calm. Don't freak out. You're in this, you can do this," I say, breathing in and out.

I can do this, just don't show people that you're one of them.

I open the door and get into the meeting room.

"We were waiting for you," Kenny says, smiling at me.

All their guns are on the table, I take mine and just then start talking.

"Thanks, Kenny. So. Who has a night shift other than me?" I ask.

"Me and then Craig first thing after testing," he says.

"Okay, thanks. Um. Goodnight?" I ask.

"Yeah, night," Craig says, dismissively.

Fuck, he saw, didn't he? Oh fuck. This is going to be terrible. If he saw it all! What if he tells on me? This is going to be awful!

"See you soon," Kenny says.

I nod and leave through the door, walking along, holding the gun in my hand.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't do anything wrong."

The voice is chilling, especially since it comes from one of them, and it sounds like someone is badly panicking. And I can't do anything about it or something will happen.

"Calm down, Tweek. They'll notice," one of them, I think Token, says, silencing the other boy.

Oh thank God, I was scared I had to silence him.

"On three, no more noice. Okay?" I ask.

I hear tons of 'yes' and I start.

"One, two, three."

I walk further down the hallway. It's so loud when it's silent outside.

"Shouldn't we mention them more things?" Stan's voice asks.

Yes please. I would like to know.

"Stan, shut up. You don't want anyone to hear you. I can say, Kenny seemed okay. But everyone else in still a no in my book, especially Kyle, the brunette boy and that girl with black hair. They're all really fucking weird," Bebe says, trying to sound silent but failing miserably.

Did I really deserve that? Am I really that bad?

"Shut up. One of them is coming," Stan says.

"Silence on three," I say.

"Fine," Bebe says, very unkindly.

Stan stays silent, probably with some sort of rude gesture at me. If I were to use my night vision to look, they'd know I'm one as well... which would be the opposite of a good thing.

I see a pair of eyes, glowing in the dark, obviously using their night vision because they have nothing to actually hide. She's opening and closing her eyes at unnatural speed. Soon there is an another pair, doing the same thing. Morse code, if I know anything.

"As much as I appreciate that you know morse, I will have to ask you to turn that glow off," I say.

Bebe shakes her head, her eyes leave a crazy trail of light because of the speed she moves her head at.

"Do it or I'll have no other possibility other than telling about this to the rest, which would be no fun for you. There would be no Kenny to protect you," I say, calmly.

Fuck, I feel bad.

Stan's eyes stop glowing, soon followed by Bebe's.

"Night. Remember, test straight from the morning," I say.

I start walking the hallway, hearing slowed down breathing all around me. Meaning at least most of them are asleep... at least until I hear steps from not one, two of the cages.

"To bed, now," I say.

There is complete silence with someones silent muttering. I look at the clock, 2 am. My shift should have a break in no time. Doesn't hurt to go early. Does it?

I walk away, into the meeting room. Kenny is up, as expected, and is drinking coffee, which is also sort of expected... with energy drinks.

"Oh hi. Want some?" Kenny asks.

"Not right now, Ken," I say.

I pull out a piece of bread, putting some butter and cucumber on it before sitting across from Kenny.

"I'm so tired," I say, hitting my head on the table with a slight groan.

"I'm going to patrol like 2 hours. I can take extra but you owe me," Kenny says.

"You're such a sweetheart, Kenny. Really," I say.

He takes some kind of notebook and writes something down before taking an another sip at his coffee.

"What are you looking at?" I ask.

"Those things are really interesting, you know? I'd love to write a story about them, maybe disguise it as fiction?" Kenny asks.

"What are you writing down then?" I ask.

"Like I said. They're interesting. Sure, I'm not a genius, doesn't take long to see that... but I know there is something about them that really interests me," Kenny says.

"Don't get too attached," I say.

"I haven't. I just mean-. What is their history? How did they basically become half birds? Why do they not know shit about that? Is the only difference we have their wings? What the fuck is going on with them? Why do people call them dangerous? I'm so confused! What are they? That'd probably be the first question. What do we call a half bird?" Kenny asks.

"Why are you so interested anyway? Dude, those things aren't that interesting," I say.

Would it hurt to tell Kenny? He seemed so nice towards the others. Would he tell on me? Shoot me?

"Don't you see, how interesting those things are? Imagine, if we could make a way to have wings like them. That'd be amazing. Why are there only like 15? How does an animal survive with only 15 things? How many were there? Did we kill off a new type of animal because we took 4 males to captivity with 1 female and killed the rest?" Kenny asks.

I roll my eyes.

"Night," I say.

"Sorry I was so into it. Trust me, I'm not a science type of guy," Kenny says.

I take the sleeping bag.

"I want some privacy. I'm sleeping in the bathroom tonight," I say.

"Okay. I'll mention to use the other one tonight... I guess," Kenny says.

"Thanks, Kenny," I say.

I get in and lock the door, taking my jacket and shirt off again.

Okay. Better.

I let my wings come out and get into the sleeping bag.

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