Because i am part 2

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Ah. Haven't written smut in SUCH a long time... now I have to... because I feel like I owe people for being away for days! I'm not supposed to go away! So so sorry.

"Y-You like me too?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say.

I kiss him, he kisses back almost immediately.

"Fucking movies. Always saying that there is supposed to be fireworks," he says.

I can't keep the laughter in.

"Fireworks is just describing a feeling. It's basically meant to mean the adrenaline boost that a person gets from kissing," I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"At least I've heard that it's like that, I wouldn't know, I didn't make that trope, I'm not that old," I say.

"Aren't you younger than me? Since you're nineteen?" He asks.

"Yeah. But a lot of people think nineteen is old," I say.

"Oh no. Then I'm incredibly old," he says.

I laugh again, looking at him.

"It's so dark here," he says.

"I find that offensive," I say.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He says.

I laugh.

"No worry, I was joking. Yeah, it is pretty dark," I say.

"I'm deadly scared of being racist," he says.

"I'll tell you, if you are, accidentally, being racist. Trust me," I say.

"What if I am a racist?" He asks.

"How could you be?" I ask.

"Um... I don't know. I might be. I'm a bit quicker at backing away if it's a black man with a gun than if it's a white man with a gun," he says.

"Society kinda tells you that someone black is a bigger danger than someone white. Reason my parents have always been apparently 'scarier' to the general public than let's say... Leo's parents," I say.

"So I'm not racist?" He asks.

"No. I don't see how you would be," I say.

He seems relieved.

"I'm surprised that you aren't freaked out by the eyes," I say.

"Night vision? No, Wendy told me. It's not that terrifying, if you know about it beforehand," he says.

"Good to know. I would have turned it off if it freaked you out," I say.

"Aw. That's nice you," he says.

I smile at him.

"Do you see everything kinda green right now or like always?" He asks.

"Greenish. I'm kinda like a camera, when I use my night vision. Which is funny in my opinion," I say.

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