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I've been obsessed with trying to learn Spanish lately (BUT I SUCK AT SWEDISH! WHICH I'M SUPPOSED TO LEARN NOT SPANISH! But I like Spanish better! And it's so much easier....) I know this is not fully Spanish (the song) but i found it while looking for Spanish songs so. It counts! (If you know Spanish, don't try to speak to me with it... I am not good at all.)

"Hey," I say, closing the cage door.

"Long time no see," he says.

"You're not being a spaz for ones?" I ask.

He just has to spaz out seconds after I said it. Of course he has to, he just never stays still. Well yey...

"Oh never mind," I say.

"What do you *gah* want?" He asks, with a smile.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I guess I'm *gah* fine. You didn't come to ask that, I know. But lets *gah* talk a bit. How are you?" he asks.

"I'm... fine. Well, the plan is that we get out of here by getting Cartman to turn a blind eye and then getting out. Kyle knows, where our families are and he knows how to get there. He has done a lot of things to learn that, which probably has left some scars on him. So, hopefully this works," I say.

"Really?" Tweek asks.

"Yeah, and we are so close to getting you all out. The plan to get our parents out is pretty easy as well, so, no worrying about that... not yet. We might get out in a few days actually, so start getting ready," I say.

He gets up and hugs me, which, due to his height, makes me fall down on my back. Why the fuck do I have to be so fucking short? Fuck the world for this shit! Fuck it the ass!

"Oh *gah*, I-I'm sorry," he says.

"I am not really a huge fan of hugs," I say.

"I'm so so so so *gah* sorry," he says.

I roll my eyes and hug him again.

"I really don't mind this time," I say.

He blushes, putting his face against my neck. It feels... nice... I guess.

"Aw. That's adorable," Wendy says.

I look at her and show her my middle finger, feeling Tweek get his face off my neck.

"Oh. Let me guess. 'If you left me the fuck alone, I would be sooo happy'?" Wendy asks.

"What the fuck are you even doing here?" I ask.

"Going to Bebe, we are talking a little," Wendy says.

"About?" I ask.

"Well. To talk Kenny's and Stan's plan over and to make sure she's doing well enough," Wendy says.

"Ooh. Do we need her approval or something?" I ask.

"Just to make sure. She might have a better plan. How would we know? She's really smart, not only pretty. She's really cool and has been telling to trust me. I hope she's right about trust," Wendy says.

"Y-Yeah, don't *gah* let us stop you from going to make out with your girlfriend or something," Tweek says.

"I won't. Thanks for saying though," Wendy says.

"Wait. You're *gah* dating?" Tweek asks.

It's as if a switch called 'protective brother' just turns on, his eyes turn less kind.

"Look, you've hurt her already. I don't trust you with *gah* her. She has had bad enough luck, so, if she ever comes to me, saying you did anything bad to her, I might just turn into a murderer at that *gah* exact moment I find you. Got it?" Tweek asks.

"Got it," Wendy says.

"Do *gah* the others know?" Tweek asks.

"Stan promised, rip my head off and feed it to squirrels If I hurt Bebe. Saying he won't hesitate to stop being passive and non-violent, if I do something to her. Token promised to make my life a living hell and insisted that I wouldn't want to see Bebe's bad side. Leo told me good luck with the most passive aggressive voice I've ever heard. Basically all of you are planning my murder, just in case," Wendy says.

"Look. We all *gah* care for her far more than you'd actually think. We all love *gah* her to bits. But it's nothing personally, we've been talking to *gah* Kyle too, just in case he might slightly hurt our little Leo," Tweek says.

He smiles at Wendy in a very passive aggressive way.

"I would not hurt her," Wendy says.

"Hopefully you mean that. I mean, for your own good," Tweek says.

Wendy nods and walks away from us. Tweek waves at her before turning to me.

"So. When are we getting out?" He asks.

"Um. Maybe in a week or two? Kyle has to do a bit more before we can do anything, so, yeah," I say.

"W-What does he do?" Tweek asks.

"Kyle keeps just saying 'Cartman's bidding'. Might be anything. But he is not enjoying it. According to him, Cartman is trying to break him," I say.

"Oh," he says.

"It's nothing big really. He doesn't seem like the person to break. I don't think so at least," I say.

"Anybody can *gah* break," Tweek says.

"What?" I ask.

"People are like *gah* glass. Sensitive and if you drop one, it's going to break, no matter if you *gah* meant it or not. People get dropped all the time, then they *gah* break. Everyone breaks a different way. I broke long *gah* ago, I stopped being confident in who I am... because of *gah* everyone dropping me at the same time.. but *gah* people tried to put me back together," Tweek says.

"Are you one of the people that think bad people are just people from bad situations?" I ask.

"Bad people get dropped, then they *gah* drop others because they get a *gah* sick pleasure out of it. That's a way to break," Tweek says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Nobody gets *gah* born inherently evil or completely good. Situations *gah* we face make us, nothing else," Tweek says.

"That sounds sort of toxic, like you're saying that you could 'fix' somebody like that," I say.

"No, if a person *gah* causes an immediate danger, nobody should try to fix them unless they know they can. Everyone *gah* has limits," Tweek says.

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