"Okay. Who the fuck told about us?" Kyle asks, closing the door.

"About what?" I ask.

"About everything that has been happening! You know what I mean! With Leo and the others," he says.

"Shit. Who told them?" Wendy asks.

"I don't know! Are we supposed to fucking know?" Clyde asks, surprising us all with how angry he seems.

"Was it you, Wendy? I swear to fucking God, if it was-," Kyle says.

"Why would she rat herself out?" Kenny asks.

"Well, I don't know, because maybe she didn't but is saying that to fuck with you," Kyle says.

"Do you not trust me?" Wendy asks.

"All I know is that this complicates everything we were supposed to do! We are not going to do this right now! We have think up a new plan or we get fucking, I don't know, killed," Kyle says.

"Don't you just ignore it! What the fuck, Kyle? You can't just go around pointing at everyone! You came here to announce it! Maybe it was you," Wendy says.

"Why the fuck would I say anything if i really ratted you out? No, the fuck up came up to me and told me into his office. We're all under the suspicion right now," Kyle says.

"Why did he tell you that then?" Wendy asks.

"Because he has no evidence that I talked to any of them, let alone in a friendly way. You know why? I keep my fucking guard up and always have the gun with me. Unlike you, who barely carry them anymore. I fucking knew this would lead to something," Kyle says.

"Are you blaming us now?" Kenny asks.

"No, I'm not here to point fingers. We just need to keep our guard up from now on and change plan. Unless someone comes out with the fact they ratted us out, we can't trust anymore. Are we on the clear here?" Kyle asks.

"You're all really fucking stupid. Aren't you?" I ask.

"And that means?" Kyle asks.

"Obviously where was someone that was watching us. Not all the time, every now and again. Nobody would leave us alone with them, let alone when Cartman fucking knows they are not dangerous. This is under budget. Have you notice? The whole building is build under budget. As long as Tweek and the others are here he can come up with ridiculous ways to get more money for this shit, also known as his own pocket," I say.

"Wait. How do you know this is under budget?" Wendy asks.

"You don't remember? I'm not exactly uneducated you know! I was literally reading to be an architect when I came here. I would know my budgets," I say.

"Does not suit you," Kenny says.

"I wanted to read up on things about space but mom talked me out of it, when she found out about what I wanted. I basically pulled that one out of my ass back then and mom was happy with it, dad wanted me to be an engineer but who the fuck has the time to read about that. I didn't like it at fucking all but hey, that'd pay the bills," I say.

Wendy slowly rises her hand.

"I have time for becoming an engineer. I was going to be but army and all," Wendy says.

"Going to be? Wendy, it's half of your life that you read for something like that," Clyde says.

"Well. What were you going to be?" Wendy asks.

"Wait a moment. What am I, you mean," Clyde says.

"You're 20 and finished?" Kyle asks.

"Well. It wasn't exactly anything hard. Art history, short term that I could barely call education. But I did not want to be a museum worker, at fucking all. But it was the first opportunity I found, I didn't want to make shoes like dad. Then I went to army and got completely fucked. So now i'm here instead of paying off loans in a shit apartment," Clyde says.

"So basically the only education that has no purpose in this world?" Kenny asks.

"What were you gonna be?" Clyde asks.

"Author. First book will get published as soon as I get out of here," Kenny says.

"His poor ass couldn't afford to go to school. So he lived with me while paying half of the rent. That is until we did what everyone here did, army," Kyle says.

"What were you gonna be?" Clyde asks.

"Well, since I skipped a few years, I was half way to doctor," Kyle says.

"Can you get any more Jewish?" I ask.

"By actually believing in the religion. I identify as culturally Jewish but don't believe, religiously, in the way my religion tells me to. I'm an atheist in that regard," Kyle says.

"Welcome home to atheism, my boy," Kenny says.

"Yeah, welcome to my religion," Wendy says.

Kyle laughs but gets serious again.

"We need to get a new plan," Wendy says.

Kyle nods.

"If we all protect, we might get all out alive," Kenny says.

"And how likely is that?" Clyde asks.

"Not very, if they have as good a shot as I hear," Kyle says.

"I don't mind dying for something like this, as long as my family is safe as well," I say.

"I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind dying for my family," Clyde says.

"I will protect all of you with my life if i have to," Kenny says.

"I stand with you on that," Kyle says.

He smiles at all of us. Wendy looks very conflicted.

"I don't really care for a lot of people but fine, I would protect all of you with my life," Wendy says.

"Fine then. I'll protect you at the risk of my own life," Clyde says.

"Fine. Lets just hope it doesn't come to that," I say.

"It's not that bad, you'll exist again. Sure, somewhere else but you will to some level, survive," Kenny says.

"We will not discuss the multiple universes theory right now," I say.

"Sure," Kenny says.

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