Committing Suicide

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Trigger Warning~

Naruto's POV

I cried. I cried till it seems only blood could possibly come from my eyes. I cried till there were no more tears to cry. I mourned over my worthlessness. Berated myself over how I could do nothing. I am nothing, I was nothing, I will never be anything more than nothing. For that is what everyone else said.

I'm stupid, an idiot, crazy. I am all these things. The world will not mourn me, my friends will not miss me, my teachers are too busy, my family is non-existent. So I cried. And after, after I cried, I steeled myself to write.

Write of my sad existence, write so no one else will go through this. Write in the memory of my family. Write so everyone can see.

And I wrote. I wrote the letter of goodbye.


I looked over the village that had shunned me, from the top of the Hokage Monument. The monument that recognized the great Hokages that once ruled the village. The monument I wished to be part of when I grew older. 

I felt so insignificant up here. I looked smaller than an ant from the village that was far below me. Yet, I felt powerful, looking down on the very same village.

The light illuminated the monument as the sun slowly rose. As the dawn of a new day. A day that wouldn't have me...

Soon, the village was illuminated. It started to bustle with business and I just watched. I watched the village I had loved, even if it never loved me. 

The sunrise was beautiful from this view. The height was absolutely perfect to jump off of... 

I slowly leaned forward, and for some reason, started crying. Crying as I remembered memories. The good and the bad. I guess it was true that your life flashes before your eyes before you die.

I remembered how Iruka would support me and buy me ramen, or when Kakashi first introduced himself. I remembered when I cried over the fact that Hinata getting hurt during the Chunin exams and when Sasuke was leaving the leaf.

I wished, for only a moment, they would recognize me. Notice me more than just the dead last. Care for me, and love me. That was all I asked for before I said goodbye.

3rd Person~

Naruto leaned forward, slowly as if he was just looking over the ledge. Then, he fell. Time seemed to slow down as he careened over the edge. He plummeted.




At the moment where he could see the ground, his eyes involuntarily widened. 

This was it... This was the end of the nameless 9-tail Jinjuriki. The end of the legend that never came to be...


Startled, Naruto tried to look at the direction of the voice, only to hit his head, hard, on the rocks of the Hokage Mountain.

Our hero's vision spiraled, black dots dancing across his vision.

Naruto continued to tumble, gaining more and more bruises and bumps to the head, limbs, and body.

He distantly heard more voices join in, calling his name in desperation.

The world, however, ignores their pleas. Right before their eyes, Naruto hit the floor as a mangled pile of limbs. A puddle of blood soon forming under it.


As if the world knew what a loss had been made, throughout the shinobi nations, clouds blocked the sun, and rain mercilessly poured down. 

The ground shuddered, cracks forming in the disarray.

The sunset, only to have a bloody, dark, red moon to rise. The sky painted in the same dark color of blood. 

And the leaf... the leaf surrounded Naruto, tears forming as they saw what he had become.


I wish to say that if you are drawn to committing suicide, please stop. If you need help call 911 or even message me. I understand that I will never understand, however, I can try. Love your life!

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