The (Pissed) 9-Tailed Fox

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Trigger Warning

3rd Person POV

Then, they returned to their bodies. They returned, partially broken and in tears, only to hear a roar that chilled them to the bones...

The roar of the 9-tailed fox...

As if Iruka didn't hear a thing, he turned towards his fellow ninja. Taking in their horrified expressions, he drew a shaky breath. 

"I- I'm going to see if I can collect any herbs for Naruto's wounds... I-i'll be back." He said, obviously emotionally drained from the experience.

"Iruka-sensei, d-did you hear that!" Sakura asked in an urgent whisper.

Iruka only turned his saddened expression to her, raising his eyebrows, face growing slightly red at the memory of what she said to Naruto.

"You mean his tears! The ones that weren't heard by anyone! The ones that obviously were caused BY YOU!... I-I can't deal with this... I need to get some air..." He said with a shaking voice.

With that, the whole room seemed to darken. The inhabitants of the said room looking down or leaking tears. 

"N-no, t-the roar, Iruka-sensei...!" Ino said, gaining courage as she continued. "Did y-you hear that roar?"

As she continued, Iruka just grew angrier. They all were upset, understandably. But they didn't know the story like he did. He was the one who had to see the crying Naruto. He was the one who had to stop him from committing suicide multiple times! He was the one that had to bandage Naruto's self-inflicted wounds. He was the one who cared until they suddenly got a change of HEART!

"No. I didn't hear a roar, Ino! Not over all of your self-pity and guilt!" Iruka finally burst out, visibly shaking. "Nor do I care!" He yelled as he stormed out.

The rest of the inhabitants took in his words. Of course, they understood where he was coming from, some even thought it themselves, but... what right did HE have to say that!

Tsunade slowly breathed in and turned to the rest of the ninja. "Did you hear the roar just now?" She asked, straight to business.

As if she flipped a switch, the rest nodded. Kakashi than spoke up by saying, "That sounded exactly of the roar of the nine-tails," He said, still looking gray at the face.

Then, as if hearing his name, a roar echoed again. This time much louder. 

As the shinobi slowly started to panic, they felt themselves leaving their physical form and dropping. Coming too, they were left in a dark, sewer-like area. As if by muscle memory, they took in their surroundings, only to find the rest of the inhabitants of the village scattered along the green like pipeline. The floor was wet, and dripping in multiple places. 

Before anyone could panic, another roar echoed throughout the pipeline, and, as if by magic, the renowned fox appeared, still growling.

Chakra oozed out of him, surrounding the villagers and preventing them from screaming. Frozen, all they could do was watch the "demon" and hear his low growls. 

"I'm glad I can finally get in touch." The fox growled, the tips of his lips forming a sneer. His voice raspy and dark.

As if the villagers weren't scared enough, his voice seemed to tip them over the edge. They struggled to get out of his grasp, only to feel his chakra tighten around them, to the point it became painful.

"Now, let's talk, shall we." He continued, ignoring the obvious fear rolling off of every human in the room. His tone suggested that the "talk" was an order, not a question.

"My host, as you know as Naruto has literally died. I'll have you know, if he had died, I obviously would too and have had to reform. " He growled in annoyance, foam forming at the edges of his sneer.

"So, me being the kind demon I am, I had broken through that "cage" your "Hero" created and saved him." He said, in complete ignorance of the now growing fear in the shinobi population.

"He, of course, is not mentally sane. He indeed is in pain. I had to expend so much chakra for his sake! And I aM nOt HaPpY!" He roared, enjoying the horror on every single person in the room.

"Now, shouldn't I get a reward," He said, grinning maliciously. 

The room was tainted with fear. The bloodlust rolled of the Bijuu like stones off a hill.

"I am quite obviously free. The only thing keeping me back is the kit. Naruto, is the only thing preventing me from SlAuGhTeRiNg you all." He growled, voice growing raspier. "Now, how IRONIC is that! The only person that is stopping me from killing YOU, had tried to kill HIMSELF!" He roared.

"My poor host is suffering... and it's all because of ALL OF YOU!!" The demon roared once again.

"Now, because my host was so kind, he is preventing me from destroying your village, massacring all of you, leveling the mountains, and of course, exterminating all humans off of the face of the shinobi world..., however, If he slips up, I'll be able to do just that." The nine-tailed fox said, grinning. "Let me say it in a way you puny mortals will understand. Touch a hair on his head, dare to even make him upset, or talk bad about him, and I will make sure to slip free from his mindscape, kill you in the most painful way possible, destroy every particle of your existence, rid the world of all your belongings, and then, demolish the rest of this SICK WORLD." He roared! It was then that all his bloodlust was released and he revealed his true power as a tailed beast. 

" You will not mention this to anyone, Am I cLeAr!!" He growled menacingly. The population could only nod meekly. Then with a final roar, he released them, and they returned to their bodies.

The genin teams and Hokage could only open their eyes again to see Naruto, lying on the bed. They snapped out of it, only when the door burst open with a "bang" hitting the wall it was attached to, revealing an obviously disheveled Iruka.


I understand that you must be in serious pain. You might feel like you are only one person too the whole world. But you might be the whole world to another. We are all human, We all experience pain. Do not fall into the darkness, embrace the light!

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